Type: report
Article abstract: This baseline biological resource report has been prepared for the Northern San Ysidro, McMillin, and Little Cedar Canyon parcels of the Otay Ranch Preserve. The Northern San Ysidro parcel is located on 118 acres on APN 647-090-04, the McMillin parcel comprises 230 acres on APN 647-100-08 and 647-100-10, and the Little Cedar Canyon parcel totals 160 acres on APN 647-110-01 and 647-120-01.The Otay Ranch Preserve is located in an unincorporated portion of southwestern San Diego County, east of the city of Chula Vista. RECON biologists conducted surveys to gather baseline biological information at the Northern San Ysidro, McMillin, and Little Cedar Canyon parcels during the spring and summer of 2011. The surveys consisted of vegetation mapping and general plant and wildlife surveys. Sensitive species were observed incidentally, and suitable habitat for sensitive wildlife species was also evaluated during general surveys. During baseline surveys, seven vegetation communities were mapped in the Northern San Ysidro parcels, five vegetation communities were mapped in the McMillin parcels, and six vegetation communities were mapped with the Little Cedar Canyon parcels. A total of 173 plant species, 22 species of invertebrates, 1 species of amphibian, 9 species of reptiles, 44 species of birds, and 7 species of mammals were observed in the Northern San Ysidro parcels. A total of 160 plant species, 18 species of invertebrates, 3 species of amphibians, 7 species of reptiles, 45 species of birds, and 5 species of mammals were observed in the McMillin parcels. A total of 126 plant species, 18 species of invertebrates, 3 species of amphibians, 7 species of reptiles, 45 species of birds, and 5 species of mammals were observed in the Little Cedar Canyon parcels The baseline data gathered during these surveys will be used to guide future prioritization of preserve management actions. Future focused surveys for Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), as well as permanent photo point monitoring, have been recommended as tasks for FY 2011-12 in the Draft FY 2011-12 Annual Work Plan for Conveyed Lands Managed by the Otay Ranch Preserve Owner/Manager.
Number of pages: 178
Authors: O'Meara, Cailin; Sundberg, J.R.; Bennett, Anna; Dodero, Mark;
Day: 3
Month: January
Year: 2012
Prepared for: City of Chula Vista;
Prepared by: RECON Environmental Inc.;
Keywords: baseline biological survey; Otay Ranch Preserve; Photo Point Monitoring; sensitive species; vegetation mapping;
Species: Cooper's hawk; Northern harrier; Yellow-breasted chat; Southern California rufous-crowned sparrow; San Diego barrel cactus; San Diego marsh-elder; Orcutt's brodiaea; Harbison's Dun Skipper; Quino checkerspot butterfly; Tecate cypress; Jennifer's monardella; Southern mule deer; San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit; Coastal California gnatcatcher; Bell's Sparrow
Vegetation communities: coastal sage scrub; grassland; chaparral