Coastal Cactus Wren Conservation Network

The Coastal Cactus Wren Conservation Network is an ad hoc group of more than 100 individuals representing research institutions, land management agencies, local government, non-profit conservation organizations and wildlife agencies. Members work together to exchange research and management information to develop best practices, policies, and programs that promote conservation and recovery of this bird throughout its range (Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego counties). This information will inform publication of a regional conservation strategy for the coastal cactus wren. Cactus wrens (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) are distributed across the arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern and central Mexico (Hamilton et al. 2011). While the desert populations are fairly abundant, populations of coastal cactus wrens have declined dramatically over the past 30 years, with extirpation and genetic isolation affecting many locations as a result of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, edge effects of development, and catastrophic fires (Solek and Szijj 2004). The coastal population is unique in that it occurs exclusively within the coastal sage scrub plant community, ranging from Ventura County south into San Diego County, U.S.A. and northwestern Baja California, Mexico. The firestorms of 2007 impacted several strongholds for the coastal cactus wren in Orange and San Diego counties. The significant loss of habitat and birds was the impetus for formation of the Coastal Cactus Wren Network. For more information on the Coastal Cactus Wren Conservation Network, please see the document titled "Coastal Cactus Wren Working Group Regional Goals, Objectives, and Strategies".

Vertebrate Species
in progress
Project Focus

Coastal cactus wren

coastal sage scrub

Emily Perkins

Trish Smith

Coastal Cactus Wren Conservation Network

Jerre Stallcup; Dana Kamada; AECOM; Audubon California ; California Department of Fish and Wildlife; California State Parks; CalTrans; Center for Natural Lands Management; City of Chula Vista; City of San Diego; Cooper Biological ; County of San Diego; Department of Defense; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek; Hamilton Biological ; Irvine Ranch Conservancy; Laguna Canyon Foundation; Laguna Greenbelt; Land IQ; Leatherman Bioconsulting, Inc.; Massachusetts Audubon ; Natural Communities Coalition ; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; Orange County Parks; Orange County Transportation Authority; Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy ; Puente-Chino Hills Habitat Authority; RECON Environmental Inc.; Riverside County Parks; San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District ; San Diego Association of Governments; San Diego Management and Monitoring Program; San Diego Natural History Museum; San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research; San Dieguito River Park; Santa Ana Watershed Association; The Nature Conservancy; Transportation Corridor Agencies; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Geological Survey; University of California, Irvine; Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology ; Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority

Trish Smith

Sarah McCutcheon

Kris Preston

File name Lead Author Year Type
2010/11 Cactus Mapping Protocol for the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Winchell, Clark protocol supplement
Cactus Wren Survey Protocol 2011 Winchell, Clark protocol supplement
File name Lead Author Year Type
1993 California gnatcatcher and cactus wren studies in the San Joaquin Hills LSA Associates 1994 report
1995 San Joaquin Hills burn area California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren study Griffith Wildlife Biology 1996 report
1997 California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren monitoring report for the San Joaquin Hills burn area Harmsworth Associates 1997 report
2006-2007 cactus wren study NROC Hamilton, Robb; Miller, Will; Mitrovich, Milan 2008 powerpoint presentation
2008 San Dieguito River Park avian survey Griffith Wildlife Biology 2008 report
2008 Surveys Cactus Wren and California Gnatcatchers San Dieguito River Valley, San Diego County Hamilton, Robert 2009 report
2008 Surveys Cactus Wrens and California Gnatcatchers San Dieguito River Valley, San Diego County Hamilton, Robert 2009 report
2009 cactus wren surveys, orange and los angeles counties Hamilton, Robb 2009 powerpoint presentation
2009 LA and Orange County cactus wren study protocols Hamilton, Robb protocol
2009 LA County cactus wren survey, data sheet for Round 1 Hamilton, Robb protocol
2009 LA Volunteer data sheet Rounds 1-8 Hamilton, Robb protocol
2009 Orange County cactus wren survey, data sheet for Round 1 Hamilton, Robb protocol
2010 Orange County mapping data sheet and volunteer methods CACW Hamilton, Robb protocol
2012 cactus wren survey, Ventura County Hamilton, Robb; Cooper, Dan 2012 powerpoint presentation
2012 performance monitoring report Griswold, Margot report
2012 volunteer methods for CACW mapping and surveys Hamilton, Robb protocol
2014 Bernardo Mountain avian surveys, San Dieguito River Park Mahrdt, Clark; Weaver, Kenneth L. 2015 report
A case of classical condition in nestling cactus wrens Ricklefs, Robert 1967 journal article
A phylogeographic approach to management of coastal California cactus wrens Eggert, Lori dissertation/thesis
A population census of the cactus wren in Ventura County, California Cooper, Dan 2014 journal article
A Summary of Cactus Wren & Monitoring Reproduction Papers Vickery, P.D. fact sheet
Alternative causes of edge-abundance relationships in birds and small mammals of California coastal sage scrub Kristan, William 2003 journal article
an overview of cactus wrens in Los Angeles and Ventura counties Garrett, Kimball 2008 powerpoint presentation
Annual variations in patterns of reproduction of the cactus wren Marr, Thomas; Raitt, Ralph 1983 journal article
Applied Plant Ecology Newsletter San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 2012 other
Assessing the importance of arthropod abundance, community composition, and habitat structure as determinants of habitat quality for cactus wren Pratt, Riley 2013 powerpoint presentation
Attachment A - Scope of Work Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Mapping and Estimation of Population Occupancy Following the 2007 Wildfires U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2010 other
Atypical nesting sites of the cactus wren Farley, Greg 1994 journal article
Aug2011_FINAL_Cactus Wren Survey Protocol_USFWS.pdf Winchell, Clark protocol
Avian species diversity in desert scrub Tomoff, Carl 1974 journal article
Behavior of young cactus wrens and curve-billed thrashers Ricklefs, Robert 1966 journal article
Biological Diversity Baseline Report for the Furby-North Property Environmental Science Assoc.; Technology Associates (TAIC) 2011 report
Birds of California affecting fruit industry Beal, F.E.L. 1907 report
Birds of Ventura County, California Evermann, Barton 1886 journal article
Cactus scrub restoration Griswold, Margot 2011 powerpoint presentation
Cactus Wren habitat restoration on San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Martin, John 2019 powerpoint presentation
Cactus Wren habitat Restoration on San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Martin, John 2014 report
Cactus Wren Nests Woods, Robert 1922 journal article
Cactus Wren Occupancy Protocol Winchell, Clark protocol
Cactus Wren References Hamilton, Robb other
Cactus wren subspecies Unitt, Philip 2008 powerpoint presentation
Cactus Wren Survey Guide protocol
Cactus wrens Stephens, Frank 1904 journal article
Cactus wrens attack ground squirrel Smith, Linwood 1970 journal article
Cactus wrens of the Puente-Chino Hills: 1998-2008 Cooper, Dan 2008 powerpoint presentation
Cactus Wrens of the San Dieguito Watershed: Surviving Man and Fires Weaver, Kenneth L. 2008 powerpoint presentation
Cactus wrens use extra nest Antevs, Ada 1947 journal article
Cactus wrens' nests in southern Arizona Bailey, Florence 1922 journal article
California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren monitoring report for the San Joaquin Hills burn area 1996-1998 Harmsworth Associates 1999 report
California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren monitoring report for the San Joaquin Hills burn area 2000 Harmsworth Associates 2000 report
California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren monitoring report for the San Joaquin Hills burn area 2001 Harmsworth Associates 2002 report
California gnatcatchers, cactus wrens, and conservation of coastal sage scrub on the Palos Verdes Peninsula Atwood, Jonathan 1996 report
California Partners in Flight coastal shrub and chaparral bird conervation plan Solek, Christopher; Szijj, Laszlo 2004 report
Central and Coastal Reserve California Gnatcatcher Study 2011 Leatherman Bioconsulting, Inc. 2012 report
Central and Coastal Subregion Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan R.J. Meade Consulting, Inc. 1996 other
Central Reserve Cactus Wren Habitat Assessment and Survey Leatherman Bioconsulting, Inc. 2008 report
City of Chula Vista Otay River Valley and Salt Creek Cactus Wren 3 Project (SANDAG GRANT #5004731) - Year 3, 4th Quarter - FINAL REPORT Goddard, Cheryl 2019 report
Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project AECOM; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek 2011 report
Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project, Phase II Encanto and Radio Canyons AECOM; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek 2013 report
Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project, Phase III Year 1 Report AECOM 2014 report
Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project, Phase III Year 2 Report AECOM 2015 report
Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project Encanto and Radio Canyons San Diego, CA AECOM; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek 2011 report
Coastal Cactus Wren Citizen Scientist Monitoring 2017 Dalkey, Ann; Weinik, Josh 2017 report
Coastal Cactus Wren Conservation Working Group Meeting Draft Meeting Notes Cooper, Dan; Eisenberg, Laura Coley; Fisher, Andrew; Forbus, Beth; Frost, Nancy; Hamilton, Robb; Kershner, Eric; Lulow, Megan; Motheral, Sarah; Moore, Yvonne; Preston, Kris; Procsol, Beth; Smith, Trish; Stallcup, Jerre; Tracey, Jeff; Vaughan, Jennifer; Winchell, Clark; Wisinski, Colleen 2010 workshop summary
Coastal cactus wren habitat enhancement in San Pasqual Valley Endress, Bryan 2010 report
Coastal cactus wren restoration and monitoring update Endress, Bryan; Motheral, Sarah; Nordstrom, Lisa A.; Wisinski, Colleen 2011 powerpoint presentation
Coastal Cactus Wren Working Group Goals and Objectives 2008 workshop summary
Coastal Cactus Wren Working Group Regional Goals, Objectives, and Strategies 2020 other
COMPARATIVE PHYLOGEOGRAPHY OF SOME ARIDLAND BIRD SPECIES Zink, Robert; Kessen, Theresa V.; Line, Theresa; Blackwell, Rachelle 2001 journal article
Congruent population structure inferred from dispersal behaviour and intensive genetic surveys of the threatened Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) Coulon, Aurelie; Fitzpatrick, John; Bowman, Reed 2008 journal article
Conservation Management of the Coastal Cactus Wren Priority Information Needs other
Conserving Cactus Wren Populations in the Nature Reserve of Orange County Preston, Kris events
Current status of the cactus wren in northwestern Baja California Clark, Kevin; Dodero, Mark 2008 journal article
Declining cactus wren populations: what we are learning from monitoring reproduction, dispersal and survival Preston, Kris 2011 powerpoint presentation
Dispersal of seeds as nest material by the cactus wren Milton, Suzanne 1998 journal article
Ecological relations of the breeding bird population of the desert biome in Arizona Hensley, Max 1954 journal article
Ecological restoration of coastal sage scrub and its potential role in habitat conservation plans Bowler, Peter 2000 journal article
Ecology, species account, and distribution of coastal cactus wrens in southern California Solek, Christopher 2008 powerpoint presentation
Effects of fire on California gnatcatcher populations on Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base Atwood, Jonathan 2002 report
Experimental studies of nest-destroying behavior by cactus wrens Simons, Laurie; Simons, Lee 1990 journal article
Extinction and colonization of birds on habitat islands Crooks, Kevin ; Suarez, Andrew; Bolger, Douglas; Soule, Michael 2001 journal article
Field methods for 2009 cactus wren study Hamilton, Robb; Mitrovich, Milan; Miller, Will protocol
Final report for Post-Fire Coastal Sage and Cactus Scrub Restoration Projects Lopez, Jason 2010 report
Final Report for project entitled: Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Enhancement In San Pasqual Valley Endress, Bryan 2013 report
Final Report: Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) 2007 Telemetry Study and the 2007 Monitoring Results of the 2006 Cactus Wren Translocation Study in Orange County, California Kamada, Dana 2008 report
Food limitation of avian reproduction: an experiment with the cactus wren Simons, Laurie; Martin, Thomas 1990 journal article
Genetic and ecological differentiation in the avifauna of Tiburon Island Rojas-Soto, Octavio 2010 journal article
Genetic connectivity among coastal cactus wren populations in San Diego county USGS protocol
Genetic Connectivity in the Coastal Cactus Wren Barr, Kelly; Kus, Barbara; Vandergast, Amy 2012 report
Genetic Structure in the Cactus Wren in Coastal Southern California Barr, Kelly; Kus, Barbara; Vandergast, Amy 2013 report
Genetic structure of coastal cactus wren populations in San Diego and Orange counties Kus, Barbara; Vandergast, Amy; Preston, Kris 2011 powerpoint presentation
Geographic variation in the eggs of cactus wrens in lower California Bancroft, Griffing 1946 journal article
Growth and development of the cactus wren Ricklefs, Robert 1975 journal article
Guidelines for Cactus Salvage and Propagation Dodero, Mark 2008 other
Habitat conservation plan implementation: keeping promises for adaptive management within a No Surprises policy Smith, Bernice dissertation/thesis
Habitat Fragmentation in Coastal Southern California Disrupts Genetic Connectivity in the Cactus Wren Barr, Kelly 2015 report
Habitat fragmentation in coastal southern California disrupts genetic connectivity in the cactus wren Barr, Kelly; Howell, Scarlett L.; Kus, Barbara; Perkins, Emily; Preston, Kris; Vandergast, Amy 2015 journal article
Habitat Requirements of the Coastal Cactus Wren in Eastern Los Angeles County Wheeler, Travis 1997 other
Habitat suitability index models: cactus wren Short, Henry 1985 report
Historical Population Structure and Genetic Diversity in the Cactus Wren in Coastal Southern California protocol
Hodges Reservoir-Bernardo Bay Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Grant Project Barone, John powerpoint presentation
Hodges Reservoir-Bernardo Bay Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Grant Project Barone, John powerpoint presentation
Hodges Reservoir-Bernardo Bay Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Grant Project Barone, John 2018 powerpoint presentation
Impacts of the October 1993 Laguna Canyon Fire on California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens Bontrager, David; Erickson, Richard; Hamilton, Robert 1991 book/conf proceeding chapter
Impacts of the October 1993 Laguna Canyon Fire on California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens Bontrager, David; Erickson, Richard; Hamilton, Robert 1991 book/conf proceeding chapter
Impacts of the October 1993 Laguna Canyon Fire on California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens Bontrager, David; Erickson, Richard; Hamilton, Robert 1991 book/conf proceeding chapter
Increasing reproduction of cactus wrens through the strateic placement of artificial nesting sites in the San Joaquin Hills Hamilton, Robb; Burger, Jutta 2010 report
Large set of cactus wren eggs Hanna, Wilson 1902 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part I: winter and pre-nesting behavior Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1957 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part II; the beginning of nesting Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1959 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part III; the nesting cycle Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1960 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part IV; development of nestlings Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1961 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part V; fledging to independence Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1962 journal article
Life history of the cactus wren. Part VI: competition and survival Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1963 journal article
Lizard eaten by cactus wren Storer, Tracy 1920 journal article
Local Geographies of the Coastal Cactus Wren and the Coastal California Gnatcatcher on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California Vaughn, Jennifer dissertation/thesis
Maritime succulent scrub restoration and management for cactus wrens Dodero, Mark 2008 powerpoint presentation
Mission Trails Regional Park Natural Resource Management Plan- Chapter 4 Coastal Cactus Wren RECON Environmental Inc. 2013 report
Movement and dispersal of California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens in the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California Bontrager, David 1995 report
Nature Reserve of Orange County: Coastal Cactus Wren Dispersal and Survival Surveys, Genetics & Parasite Sampling, and Arthropod Foraging Ecology in 2012 Kamada, Dana; Preston, Kris 2013 report
Nest habitat characteristics for the coastal cactus wren Ashbacher, Angelita 2014 powerpoint presentation
Nest site selection of cactus wrens in the Chino Hills Flaagan, Kelli dissertation/thesis
Nesting success of the cactus wren in relation to nest orientation Austin, George 1974 journal article
North County Cactus Nursery and Coastal Cactus wren Habitat Restoration Final Report Heineman, Katherine; Maschinski, Joyce 2018 report
NROC cactus wren habitat linkage restoration project Preston, Kris; Griswold, Margot; Brooks, Travis 2011 report
NROC cactus wren study methods - draft Hamilton, Robb; Mitrovich, Milan 2007 protocol
NROC: coastal cactus wren dispersal and survival surveys, genetics and parasite sampling, and arthropod foraging ecology in 2012 Kamada, Dana; Preston, Kris 2013 report
NROC: monitoring coastal cactus wren reproduction, dispersal and survival, 2009-2011 Preston, Kris; Kamada, Dana 2012 report
Opuntia littorals propagation protocol for Coastal Cactus Wren Restoration protocol
Otay River Valley Cactus Wren Fence Project Final Report County of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation 2017 report
Palos Verdes Nature Preserve Survey for the California gnatcatcher and the cactus wren Cooper, Dan 2018 report
Palos Verdes Peninsula gnatcatcher and cactus wren study Atwood, Jonathan 1994 report
Population viability analysis for the coastal cactus wren within the MSCP study area Mock, Patrick 1993 report
Post-burn restoration of nesting habitat for the coastal cactus wren in the Orange County Central Reserve: final report Lulow, Megan 2011 report
Predicting the impact of fire on a vulnerable multi-species community using a dynamic vegetation model Conlisk, Erin 2015 journal article
Preliminary assessment of the potential impacts and risks of the invasive cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum Berg, in the U.S. and Mexico Simonson, Sara 2005 report
Project Submission Form for San Diego Zoo Cactus Wren Habitat Enhancement San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 2009 other
Quarterly Report for ICR Cactus wren enhancement project in San Pasqual, 2010 Endress, Bryan 2010 report
Quarterly Report for ICR Cactus wren enhancement project in San Pasqual, 2011 San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 2011 report
Report on California gnatcatcher and cactus wren 2005 surveys at the UCI Ecological preserve Harmsworth Associates 2006 report
Response of cactus wrens and cactus habitat to wildfires at Upper Chiquita Canyon Conservation Easement Galvin, Paul 2008 powerpoint presentation
Restoration Guidelines for "Coastal" Cactus Wrens Hamilton, Robert 2009 powerpoint presentation
Restoration of nesting habitat for cactus wren Lulow, Megan; Burger, Jutta 2011 powerpoint presentation
Results of 2018 cactus wren and California gnatcatcher Bernardo Mountain surveys Mahrdt, Clark; Weaver, Kenneth L. 2018 report
Results of baseline surveys for the coastal California gnatcatcher and the coastal cactus wren at the Bernardo Mountain Preserve Haas, William E. 2006 report
Results of the 2006 Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) Translocation Study in Orange County, CA Kamada, Dana; Mitrovich, Milan 2006 report
Salt Creek Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Project: 1st Annual Monitoring Report, 2011 Merkel & Associates 2011 report
Salt Creek Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Project: 3rd Annual Monitoring Report, 2013 Merkel & Associates 2013 report
Salt Creek Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Project:2nd Annual Monitoring Report, 2011 Merkel & Associates 2011 report
Salt Creek Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Project 4th Annual Monitoring Report Merkel & Associates 2014 report
Salt Creek Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration Project 5th Annual Monitoring Report, 2015 Merkel & Associates 2015 report
San Diego Association of Governments Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Enhancement/ Restoration Project Final Report Helix Environmental Planning, Inc. 2016 report
San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis) Unitt, Philip 2008 journal article
San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Animal Monitoring Protocols Winchell, Clark; Ostermann-Kelm, Stacey; Grant, Tyler; Thompson, Andrew; Wagner, Guy 2008 report
SDRVC Cactus Scrub Restoration Projects - Summary 2008 workshop summary
Seasonal Changes of the Adrenocortical Response to Stress in Birds of the Sonoran Desert Wingfield, John; Vleck, Carole; Moore, Michael 1992 journal article
Site fidelity of a coastal cactus wren on the Palos Verdes Peninsula Dalkey, Ann 2016 journal article
Snake predation on cactus wren nestlings Austin, George 1972 journal article
Some geographical notes on the cactus wren Bancroft, Griffing 1923 journal article
South San Diego County Coastal Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) Habitat Conservation and Management Plan Smith, Trish; Preston, Kris 2015 report
Status of the Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) within the Coastal Subregion of Orange County, California Hamilton, Robert; Mitrovich, Milan; Nature Reserve of Orange County 2007 report
Target Bird Monitoring Study Nature Reserve of Orange County 2004 Hamilton, Robert 2004 report
Temperature regulation in nestling cactus wrens: the development of homeothermy Ricklefs, Robert 1968 journal article
The Bryant cactus wren not a bird of California Grinnell, Joeseph 1921 journal article
The cactus wren in southern california: haplotype comparisons among coastal and inland populations Teutimez, Matthew dissertation/thesis
The cactus wrens of the United States Mearns, Edgar 1902 journal article
The cactus wrens on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Arizona Anderson, Anders; Anderson, Anne 1965 journal article
The coastal cactus wren in Los Angeles county Cooper, Dan 2011 powerpoint presentation
The effects of mesquite invasion on a southeastern Arizona grassland bird community Lloyd, John 1998 journal article
The Role of Subspecies in Obscuring Avian Biological Diversity and Misleading Conservation Policy Zink, Robert 2004 journal article
The status of the southern california cactus wren Swarth, Harry 1904 journal article
The survival rate of juvenile cactus wrens Ricklefs, Robert 1968 journal article
The taxonomy, distribution, and status of coastal California cactus wrens Rea, Amadeo; Weaver, Kenneth L. 1990 journal article
The temporary establishment of dominance between two hand-raised juvenile cactus wrens Ricklefs, Robert 1967 journal article
Translocation of the cactus wren: a tool for management? Mitrovich, Milan; Kamada, Dana; Hamilton, Robb powerpoint presentation
Trunk vs. ground feeding in cactus wrens Parker, Kathleen 1986 journal article
Unusual nesting site of the cactus wren Daggett, Frank 1904 journal article
Update on the Cactus Wren Translocation by the Nature Reserve of Orange County Mitrovich, Milan powerpoint presentation
Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren Conlisk, Erin 2014 journal article
Western Riverside and southwestern San Bernardino County cactus wren distribution Aimar, Melody 2011 powerpoint presentation
Western Riverside County MSHCP biological monitoring program Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority 2017 report
Why coastal cactus wrens are of greater conservation concern than California gnatcatchers Atwood, Jonathan 2008 powerpoint presentation
Wind as a factor in the orientation of entrances of cactus wren nests Facemire, Charles 1990 journal article
Year 1 Annual Report for the Chula Vista Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program Dodero, Mark 2011 report
Year 2 Annual Report for the Chula Vista Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program Dodero, Mark; RECON Environmental, Inc. 2011 report
Year 3 Annual Report for the Chula Vista Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program Dodero, Mark 2012 report
Year 3 Annual Report for the Chula Vista Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program Dodero, Mark 2012 report
Year 3 Final Annual Report for the Otay Ranch Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program (SANDAG Grant Number 5001970; RECON Number 6649) Dodero, Mark 2015 report
Year 5 Annual Report for the Chula Vista Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program Dodero, Mark 2014 report
Year 5 Annual Report Lakeside Linkage Preserve Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration ICF International 2016 report
Year 5, 1st Quarterly Progress Report for the Salt Coastal Creek Cactus Wren Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Project Ince, Kyle 2014 report
Year 5, 2nd Quarterly Progress Report for the Salt Creek Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Project Ince, Kyle 2014 report
Project Data - Online Map