Otay River Valley Cactus Wren Fence Project Final Report

Type: report

Article abstract: The short-term Otay River Valley Cactus Wren Fence Project reduced threats to coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis; CACW) habitat by providing access control via fence and sign installation for the 3-year Otay River Valley Cactus Wren project (SANDAG Grant Number 5004730). The overarching goal of the Cactus Wren project is to increase the amount of suitable habitat and improve connectivity for the coastal cactus wren along the Otay River Valley through restoration and enhancement of degraded habitat areas. CACW is a Management Strategic Plan (MSP) Category SO species (significant occurrence(s) at risk of loss from MSP area). This short-term project fulfills the immediate need for access control in the CACW restoration area by deterring off-road vehicles, bikers, equestrians, and other trails users from entering the 3-year project site.

Number of pages: 7

Day: 27

Month: September

Year: 2017

Notes: SANDAG TransNet EMP Land Management Grant #5004944

Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments;

Prepared by: County of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation;

Keywords: cactus wren; Coastal Cactus Wren; habitat restoration;

Species: Cactus Wren; Coastal cactus wren

Vegetation communities: coastal sage scrub
