Quino Habitat Restoration

The County of San Diego proposes to reduce a threat to the Quino checkerspot butterfly by increasing and improving habitat on a County-owned site that had previously supported a hundred or more butterflies. The Quino is threatened by development pressure, invasion by non-native grasslands (NNG) and forbs, and, likely, changes to climate and long-term drought. It is considered an MSP Category SL (species at risk of loss). The County intends to significantly enhance improve Quino habitat conditions and connectivity by: 1) identifying and closing roads/portions of road on the site to vehicular activity; 2) preventing off-road vehicle activity that may be bifurcating and destroying Quino habitat; 3) fencing and signing these areas to be restored; 4) controlling and removing invasive NNG that compete with plantago erecta, the primary Quino habitat and food source seeding areas with primarily native plant species required for Quino survival; 5) documenting site condition improvements as well as any beneficial effect for Quino,

Habitat restoration
Invertebrate Species
Project Focus

Quino checkerspot butterfly

County of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation

Deborah Mosley

Sarah McCutcheon

Sarah McCutcheon

Deborah Mosley

Quino checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha quino

Goal: Protect, enhance, and restore Quino checkerspot occupied habitat and historically occupied habitat and the landscape connections between them to create resilient, self-sustaining populations that provide for persistence over the long-term (>100 years).

regional and/or local NFO 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SL

Management units: 3, 4, 6, 9

Beginning in 2018, implement highest priority management actions for Quino checkerspot on Conserved Lands.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Management actions to be determined by the Quino Checkerspot Management Plan. waiting for precedent action Quino Habitat Restoration
IMP-2 Submit project metadata and management data to MSP web portal waiting for precedent action Quino Habitat Restoration
Criteria Deadline year
=1 Management actions implemented for Quino checkerspot by 2021 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
EUPEDI-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin developing an interim 5 year Quino Checkerspot Management Plan that focuses on habitat enhancement and restoration and fire management, and includes the information from the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan for Quino checkerspot, at known occupied and historically occupied sites. In 2021, update and finalize the management plan with results from the captive rearing and translocation projects and combine with the monitoring plan to create a comprehensive Quino Checkerspot Management and Monitoring Plan.
File name Lead Author Year Type
Final Report for the Quino Habitat Restoration Project Tylke, Melanie 2019 report