Invasive Plants


Overall Condition


Overall Trend


Overall Confidence
Metric Condition Trend Confidence
1. Number of Species Eradicated

Number of invasive, nonnative plant species eradicated in MSP Area

Significant Concern

No Change

2. Number of Sites Eradicated

Number of invasive, nonnative plant species eradicated at treated sites



3. Number of Sites Treated

Number of invasive, nonnative plant sites treated



Current Status
The current overall condition of the Invasive Nonnative Plants Indicator is Concern, with an Improving Trend, based on consideration of the three metric conditions. As of 2020, there have been no nonnative, invasive plant species eradicated. While that is a concerning condition, it is improving and the program is getting closer to the goal of eradicating certain plant species (Metric 1) by eradicating individual nonnative, invasive plant species sites (Metric 2), and when all individual sites of an invasive plant species are eradicated, the species will be considered eradicated from Conserved Lands. However, even as the Regional EDRR Program increases the number of sites treated (Metric 3), there is the potential for new or existing nonnative, invasive plants to establish new occurrences. The confidence for each of the three metrics is High as there are ample data from the EDRR program; however, the overall confidence level is Moderate. This is due to the lack of data on invasive removal work conducted by individual land managers outside of the EDRR program. In the future, it is anticipated that there will be additional tracking of invasive, nonnative plant removal from Conserved Lands that are not part of the Regional EDRR Program. As more information becomes available, future reports will include additional metrics evaluating the threat from invasive, nonnative plants and management prioritization based on threat risk.
Species information
For more information on this species including Occurrences, MSP Information, Projects, Files & Documents, and Species Profile, see the link below.
Species Information

Metric 1 - Number of Species Eradicated

Significant Concern

Overall Condition

No Change

Overall Trend


Overall Confidence

Metric 2 - Number of Sites Eradicated


Overall Condition


Overall Trend


Overall Confidence

Metric 3 - Number of Sites Treated


Overall Condition


Overall Trend


Overall Confidence

Additional Resources

Related Projects
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