San Dieguito Citizen Science Monitoring Program

The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy (SDRVC) developed the San Dieguito Citizen Science Monitoring Program as a sustainable, cost-effective, and scientifically valid approach to gather critical data on lands within the San Dieguito River Park Focused Planning Area. This program seeks to fill knowledge gaps on the diversity, population, movements and spatial ecology of species within the watershed to better inform future land acquisitions, adaptive land management, habitat and species restoration, educational initiatives and future research. One of the main objectives of this program is to gather data that is consistent and shared with other regional planning efforts being coordinated by the San Diego Management & Monitoring Program. Data collected is submitted to regional databases and will help meet the management goals and objectives identified in the Management & Monitoring Strategic Plan. Annual expert-led surveys are carried out by volunteer citizen scientists following approved protocols and encourage community involvement and engagement.

Monitoring-Plants and Animals
in progress
August 2, 2014
Project Focus

chaparral, coastal sage scrub, freshwater marsh, grassland, montane, oak woodland, riparian forest & scrub

Jonathan Appelbaum

San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy

Palomar Audubon Society; San Diego Tracking Team; San Dieguito River Park; Southwestern Field Herping Associates

Jonathan Appelbaum

Sarah McCutcheon

Jonathan Appelbaum

Project Protocol
SDRVC Citizen Science Monitoring Protocols

The monitoring program relies on partnerships with researchers and citizen science groups that have been vetted by the wildlife agencies and other regulatory organizations. We are using approved protocols to ensure that we are collecting scientifically valid data that can be shared regionally and submitted to the South Coast Multi-taxa Database.

camera stations; coverboards; wandering surveys; visual encounters; iNaturalist
File name Lead Author Year Type
BirdSurvey_DataSheet.pdf not sure
WildlifeCam_Datasheet.pdf not sure