The goal of the project is to improve and expand areas occupied by the San Diego thornmint (MSP Category SO [Significant occurrence(s) at risk of loss from MSPA]) within Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Fortuna through restoration and enhancement of degraded habitat. This program addresses the immediate needs of thornmint within the MTRP by building on the on-going City weed treatment effort (based on SANDAG-funded CBI protocols to address Brachypodium distachyon) to address loss and degradation of existing thornmint habitat due to an increase of invasive plants and drought. Activities included in this program consist of herbicide treatment, thornmint and other native seed collection, seed bulking and redistribution, vegetation monitoring, photo monitoring, and thornmint monitoring. The methodologies used in conjunction with this proposal are similar to those used to restore approximately .25 acres of Pogogyne nudiuscula (Otay Mesa Mint) vernal pool habitat located in Otay Mesa. This project is consistent with the management objectives and actions prescribed in CBl's / SDMMP's Adaptive Management Framework for the Endangered San Diego Thornmint, the MTRP Natural Resources Management Plan, and the City of San Diego MHPA - Eastern Area MSCP Subarea Plan. Herbicide weed treatment within the thornmint population at MTRP Fortuna last occurred in 2014 and 2015.
San Diego thorn-mint
San Diego Association of Governments
Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation, Inc.
Nancy Petitti
Sarah McCutcheon
Sarah McCutcheon
Nancy Petitti
Goal: Maintain large populations, enhance small populations, and establish new populations of San Diego thornmint or pollinator habitat to buffer against environmental stochasticity, maintain genetic diversity, and promote connectivity, thereby enhancing resilience within and among MUs over the long-term (>100 years) in native habitats.
Management units: 3, 4, 5, 6
Beginning in 2017, conduct routine management actions identified through the IMG monitoring at San Diego thornmint occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table). Depending on the type and level of threat, management should only be conducted as needed, not necessarily every year, and using BMPs with precautions to do no harm.
Action | Statement | Action status | Projects |
IMP-1 | Perform routine management activities as needed, such as protecting occurrences from disturbance through enforcement and controlling invasive non-native plant species to =20% absolute cover. | available for implementation | San Diego Thornmint Restoration |
IMP-2 | Submit project metadata and management data to MSP web portal. | available for implementation | San Diego Thornmint Restoration |
Criteria | Deadline year |
Routine Management Completed as Needed Based Upon Monitoring Recommendations | 2021 |
Threat Name | Threat Code |
Altered fire regime | ALTFIR |
Human uses of the Preserves | HUMUSE |
Invasive plants | INVPLA |
Urban development | URBDEV |