Riparian Restoration and Arundo Removal

This project is to remove arundo donax and other non native plants located in an 11 acre 'old growth' riparian forest in the channel of the San Diego River. This area, received a great deal of arundo corms and stakes during the first El Nino storm series of 2016. They arundo stakes formed dikes and debris lines several feet high. Although the area has been cleared of arundo for several years, this flooding brought an inordinate amount of arundo stakes and corms into the riparian forest. They are all sprouting and need to be cleared out to get the infestation under control while it is small enough to be controlled with limited effort.

Habitat restoration
Threats and Stressors
Project Focus

giant reed, giant reed

riparian forest & scrub

Lakeside River Park Conservancy

Robin Rierdan

Sarah McCutcheon

Sarah McCutcheon

Robin Rierdan

Invasive plants

Goal: The overarching goals for addressing invasive plant species in the MSPA are to: (1) Protect Conserved Lands from new or expanding invasive plant species; (2) Detect new invasive species and new invasions early on and control them before the plants have a chance to establish; (3) Address invasive species using the response appropriate for the level of invasiveness (level 1 through 5) as defined in the Invasive Plant Strategic Plan (IPSP)

regional and/or local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Management units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

From 2017-2021, continue implementing the IPSP by removing Levels 1, 2, and 3 invasive plant species before their distribution becomes too abundant to control.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Continue to provide funding and support to the existing County of San Diego AWM effort to implement the IPSP and remove and control Level 1, 2, and 3 invasive plant species within the MSPA. In progress Oncosiphon Pilulifer (Stinknet) Management, Regional Invasive Plant Management, Crest Canyon Invasvive Plant Control Project, Riparian Restoration and Arundo Removal, Veldt Grass Removal - San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Invasive Plant Control - Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary, North County Dunes Restoration
IMP-2 Work with San Diego County AWM to update the annual Work Plan and include new Level 1, 2, or 3 invasive species encountered that are determined to need priority management using the same criteria as the IPSP. In progress Oncosiphon Pilulifer (Stinknet) Management, Regional Invasive Plant Management, Crest Canyon Invasvive Plant Control Project, Riparian Restoration and Arundo Removal, Veldt Grass Removal - San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Invasive Plant Control - Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary, North County Dunes Restoration
IMP-3 Submit project metadata, data, and report to MSP web portal In progress Oncosiphon Pilulifer (Stinknet) Management, Crest Canyon Invasvive Plant Control Project, Riparian Restoration and Arundo Removal, Veldt Grass Removal - San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Invasive Plant Control - Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary, North County Dunes Restoration
Criteria Deadline year
Reduction in =50% of the IPSP Levels 1 and 2 Species by 2021 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Invasive plantsINVPLA