ITIS Basic Information
Common Name: Nuttall's Acmispon
Scientific Name: Acmispon prostratus
Species Code: ACMPRO
Management Category: SO (significant occurrence at risk of loss)
Occurrence Map

Historically present
Between 2000 and
Last 10 years
Table of Occurrences

Species Information

MSP Species Background

Goals and Objectives

Goal: Maintain or enhance existing Nuttall's acmispon occurrences to ensure multiple conserved occurrences with self sustaining populations to increase resilience to environmental and demographic stochasticity, maintain genetic diversity, and ensure persistence over the long term (>100 years) in coastal bluff and coastal dune habitats.

regional and/or local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 7

From 2017-2012, inspect extant Nuttall's acmispon occurrences annually on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) using the regional rare plant IMG monitoring protocol to record abundance and collect habitat and threats covariate data to determine management needs.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Based upon occurrence status and threats, determine management needs including whether routine management or more intensive management is warranted. some occurrences are in progress
IMP-2 Submit project metadata, monitoring datasets and management recommendations to the MSP Web Portal. some occurrences are in progress
Criteria Deadline year
Surveys Completed Annually with Management Recommendations 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-2 MGT-IMP-IMG Beginning in 2017, conduct routine management actions identified through the IMG monitoring at Nuttall's acmispon occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table). Depending on the type and level of threat, management should be conducted as needed, not necessarily every year, and using BMPs with precautions to do no harm.
ACMPRO-4 MGT-PRP-SBPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to preserve genetic diversity and rescue occurrences in case of catastrophic disturbance. The plan should incorporate best science and management practices (e.g., Wall 2009, KEW 2016) and provide guidelines for collecting and storing seeds over the long term at a permanent, established conservation seed bank (e.g., Institute for Conservation Research Native Plant Seed Bank, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Seed Conservation Program) and for providing a source of seeds for management purposes. The plan should include recommendations for: collecting and storing seeds for conservation banking; management oriented research; rescuing occurrences after catastrophic disturbances; and seed bulking and out-planting to augment extant occurrences or to establish new occurrences with consideration of genetic implications for population sustainability.
ACMPRO-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.
local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 7

Beginning in 2017, conduct routine management actions identified through the IMG monitoring at Nuttall's acmispon occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table). Depending on the type and level of threat, management should be conducted as needed, not necessarily every year, and using BMPs with precautions to do no harm.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Perform routine management activities such as protecting occurrences from disturbance through fencing and enforcement and controlling invasive non-native plant species =20% absolute cover. some occurrences are in progress
IMP-2 Submit project metadata and management data to the MSP Web Portal. some occurrences are in progress Adaptive Management of Coastal Sand Dunes in Mission Bay to Benefit Native Plants and the CA Least Tern
Criteria Deadline year
Routine Management Completed as Needed Based Upon Monitoring Recommendations 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-1 MON-IMP-IMG From 2017-2012, inspect extant Nuttall's acmispon occurrences annually on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) using the regional rare plant IMG monitoring protocol to record abundance and collect habitat and threats covariate data to determine management needs.
regional and/or local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019 SO

Management units: 1

From 2017 through 2019, enhance and expand the 4 Nuttall's acmispon occurrences at Mariner's Point, South Shores, South Carlsbad State Beach and Cardiff State Beaches (see occurrence table) and establish a new occurrence at Stony Point in Mission Bay. Invasive plant control should be conducted using BMPs so that invasive plants are reduced to less than 20% absolute cover within the occurrence

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Conduct invasive plant control within each occurrence in progress
IMP-2 Seed collection, bulking and redistribution should follow recommendations for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to minimize potential risks to populations from seed collection and distribution activities. in progress
IMP-3 Submit project metadata and management data to the MSP Web Portal. in progress
Criteria Deadline year
By 2019, 5 Nuttall's Acmispon Occurrences Enhanced/Established and Reports Submitted 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-1 MON-IMP-IMG From 2017-2012, inspect extant Nuttall's acmispon occurrences annually on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) using the regional rare plant IMG monitoring protocol to record abundance and collect habitat and threats covariate data to determine management needs.
ACMPRO-4 MGT-PRP-SBPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to preserve genetic diversity and rescue occurrences in case of catastrophic disturbance. The plan should incorporate best science and management practices (e.g., Wall 2009, KEW 2016) and provide guidelines for collecting and storing seeds over the long term at a permanent, established conservation seed bank (e.g., Institute for Conservation Research Native Plant Seed Bank, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Seed Conservation Program) and for providing a source of seeds for management purposes. The plan should include recommendations for: collecting and storing seeds for conservation banking; management oriented research; rescuing occurrences after catastrophic disturbances; and seed bulking and out-planting to augment extant occurrences or to establish new occurrences with consideration of genetic implications for population sustainability.
ACMPRO-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.
Regional NFO 2017 SO

Management units: 1, 7

In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to preserve genetic diversity and rescue occurrences in case of catastrophic disturbance. The plan should incorporate best science and management practices (e.g., Wall 2009, KEW 2016) and provide guidelines for collecting and storing seeds over the long term at a permanent, established conservation seed bank (e.g., Institute for Conservation Research Native Plant Seed Bank, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Seed Conservation Program) and for providing a source of seeds for management purposes. The plan should include recommendations for: collecting and storing seeds for conservation banking; management oriented research; rescuing occurrences after catastrophic disturbances; and seed bulking and out-planting to augment extant occurrences or to establish new occurrences with consideration of genetic implications for population sustainability.

Action Statement Action status Projects
PRP-1 Consult the San Diego County Rare Plant Working Group made up of plant ecologists, geneticists, rare plant experts, land managers, restoration practitioners, seed banking and bulking practitioners, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders to provide input and recommendations for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan. Available for implementation
PRP-2 Prepare a seed collection plan to collect seeds over multiple years, collect seeds several times within a season, accumulate seeds across populations, and to sample among habitats and ecological niches. Include guidelines for collecting and storing seeds along maternal lines from small occurrences (<1,000 plants) and to provide propagules to be used in management experiments, enhancement of existing occurrences, and establishment of new occurrences. Available for implementation
PRP-3 The seed collection plan should include guidelines for collecting seeds from occurrences of sufficient size to accommodate harvest and based on genetic studies as available. Include provisions for collecting seed from unconserved populations planned for development. Available for implementation
PRP-4 Include protocols and guidelines for collecting voucher specimens and submitting to the San Diego Natural History Museum (McEachern et al. 2007). Available for implementation
PRP-5 Include guidelines for testing seeds for viability and to obtain information on dormancy and germination rates. Available for implementation
PRP-6 Submit project metadata and MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to the MSP Web Portal. Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
By 2018, Completed Nuttall's Acmispon Section in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-1 MON-IMP-IMG From 2017-2012, inspect extant Nuttall's acmispon occurrences annually on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) using the regional rare plant IMG monitoring protocol to record abundance and collect habitat and threats covariate data to determine management needs.
ACMPRO-3 MGT-IMP-IEX From 2017 through 2019, enhance and expand the 4 Nuttall's acmispon occurrences at Mariner's Point, South Shores, South Carlsbad State Beach and Cardiff State Beaches (see occurrence table) and establish a new occurrence at Stony Point in Mission Bay. Invasive plant control should be conducted using BMPs so that invasive plants are reduced to less than 20% absolute cover within the occurrence
ACMPRO-5 MGT-IMP-SBPL In 2018, begin implementing the Nuttall's acmispon section in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to collect and store seeds at a permanent seed bank and to provide propagules as needed for management oriented research, existing population enhancement and establishment of new occurrences.
ACMPRO-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.
Regional and/or Local NFO 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 7

In 2018, begin implementing the Nuttall's acmispon section in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to collect and store seeds at a permanent seed bank and to provide propagules as needed for management oriented research, existing population enhancement and establishment of new occurrences.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Bulk seed at a qualified facility for enhancement, expansion, establishment or transplantation projects using seed from genetically appropriate donor accessions in the propagation seed bank collection. Available for implementation
IMP-2 Maintain records for collected seed to document donor and receptor sites, collection dates and amounts. Submit seed collection, storage and bulking data to the MSP Web Portal. Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
By 2021, =1 Highest Priority Action Implemented for Nuttall's Acmispon from the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-4 MGT-PRP-SBPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to preserve genetic diversity and rescue occurrences in case of catastrophic disturbance. The plan should incorporate best science and management practices (e.g., Wall 2009, KEW 2016) and provide guidelines for collecting and storing seeds over the long term at a permanent, established conservation seed bank (e.g., Institute for Conservation Research Native Plant Seed Bank, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Seed Conservation Program) and for providing a source of seeds for management purposes. The plan should include recommendations for: collecting and storing seeds for conservation banking; management oriented research; rescuing occurrences after catastrophic disturbances; and seed bulking and out-planting to augment extant occurrences or to establish new occurrences with consideration of genetic implications for population sustainability.
regional NFO 2017 SO

Management units: 1, 7

In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.

Action Statement Action status Projects
PRP-1 Consult the San Diego County Rare Plant Working Group made up of plant ecologists, geneticists, rare plant experts, land managers, restoration practitioners, seed banking and bulking practitioners, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders to provide input and recommendations for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan. available for implementation
PRP-2 Develop a conceptual model that identifies management actions to effectively reduce threats to Nuttall's acmispon occurrences. available for implementation
PRP-3 Prioritize occurrences for management based upon an assessment of occurrence size, the potential for management to significantly reduce identified threats, and the availability of adjacent suitable habitat for occurrence expansion. available for implementation
PRP-4 Develop an implementation plan for Nuttall's acmispon that prioritizes management actions for the nex 5 years and details tasks, lead entities, responsibilities, and timelines, budgets. available for implementation
PRP-5 Submit project metadata, project datasets, and the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan to the MSP Web Portal. available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
By 2018, Completed Nuttall's Acmispon Section in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-1 MON-IMP-IMG From 2017-2012, inspect extant Nuttall's acmispon occurrences annually on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) using the regional rare plant IMG monitoring protocol to record abundance and collect habitat and threats covariate data to determine management needs.
ACMPRO-2 MGT-IMP-IMG Beginning in 2017, conduct routine management actions identified through the IMG monitoring at Nuttall's acmispon occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table). Depending on the type and level of threat, management should be conducted as needed, not necessarily every year, and using BMPs with precautions to do no harm.
ACMPRO-3 MGT-IMP-IEX From 2017 through 2019, enhance and expand the 4 Nuttall's acmispon occurrences at Mariner's Point, South Shores, South Carlsbad State Beach and Cardiff State Beaches (see occurrence table) and establish a new occurrence at Stony Point in Mission Bay. Invasive plant control should be conducted using BMPs so that invasive plants are reduced to less than 20% absolute cover within the occurrence
ACMPRO-4 MGT-PRP-SBPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to preserve genetic diversity and rescue occurrences in case of catastrophic disturbance. The plan should incorporate best science and management practices (e.g., Wall 2009, KEW 2016) and provide guidelines for collecting and storing seeds over the long term at a permanent, established conservation seed bank (e.g., Institute for Conservation Research Native Plant Seed Bank, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Seed Conservation Program) and for providing a source of seeds for management purposes. The plan should include recommendations for: collecting and storing seeds for conservation banking; management oriented research; rescuing occurrences after catastrophic disturbances; and seed bulking and out-planting to augment extant occurrences or to establish new occurrences with consideration of genetic implications for population sustainability.
ACMPRO-5 MGT-IMP-SBPL In 2018, begin implementing the Nuttall's acmispon section in the MSP Seed Collection, Banking and Bulking Plan to collect and store seeds at a permanent seed bank and to provide propagules as needed for management oriented research, existing population enhancement and establishment of new occurrences.
ACMPRO-7 MGT-IMP-MGTPL In 2018, begin implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.
ACMPRO-8 MON-IMP-MGTPL In 2018, monitor effectiveness of implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.
Regional and/or Local NFO 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 7

In 2018, begin implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Submit metadata, management datasets, and report to the MSP Web Portal. waiting for precedent action
Criteria Deadline year
By 2021, =1 High Priority Management Action Implemented for Nuttall's Acmispon from the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.
ACMPRO-8 MON-IMP-MGTPL In 2018, monitor effectiveness of implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.
Regional and/or Local NFO 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 7

In 2018, monitor effectiveness of implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Submit metadata, management datasets, analyses, and report to the MSP Web Portal. waiting for precedent action
Criteria Deadline year
Effectiveness of High Priority Management Actions Determined 2021
Code Obj. code Statement
ACMPRO-6 MGT-PRP-MGTPL In 2017, begin preparing a section for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan that prioritizes management actions to maintain the 5 large occurrences and to enhance at least 3 small occurrences on Conserved Lands (see occurrence table) based upon an assessment of data on occurrence status, habitat and threats. Minimum criteria for enhancement are to reduce invasive annual nonnative plants and thatch to less than or equal to 20% absolute cover within the occurrence.
ACMPRO-7 MGT-IMP-MGTPL In 2018, begin implementing highest priority management actions identified for Nuttall's acmispon in the MSP Rare Plant Management Plan.
Adaptive Management of Coastal Sand Dunes in Mission Bay to Benefit Native Plants and the CA Least Tern
San Diego Bird Alliance (formerly San Diego Audubon Society) has been leading efforts to restore coastal sand dunes in Mission Bay for decades, largely focused on supporting nesting California Least Terns (Sternula antillarum browni), and rare and endangered sand dune plants such as Nuttall's Lotus (Acmispon prostratus) and Coast Wooly Head (Nemacaulis denudata). The primary threat to these species is the presence of fast-growing, nonnative vegetation, which takes up space that Least Terns require for nesting, and outcompetes native dune plants. Volunteer-led hand management of these sites has resulted in a dramatic reduction in invasive cover, and bi-annual vegetation monitoring has revealed that hand management is a more effective strategy in reducing nonnative growth than the more traditional mechanized scraping and broadcast herbicide application strategies. These results are being used to inform year-to-year site management, and to create longterm strategies for managing coastal dunes in Mission Bay. A portion of this project was funded by a SANDAG TransNet EMP Land Management Grant (Contract #5001967, #5004729, and #5005518).
North County Dunes Restoration
Phase I of this project focused on surveys and restoration activities at potential dune habitat between northern Carlsbad and northern La Jolla. This was in order to extend the range and increase the population of dune-dependent species, such as the California least tern, Western snowy plover, and Nuttall's lotus. Phase 2 will focus on the completion and implementation of the following site-specific restoration plan that was developed during the first phase of the project: the Cardiff State Beach Living Shorelines Draft Habitat Restoration Plan. In addition, SELC proposes to conduct invasive species management and support existing populations of special-status/native coastal dune and bluff plant species at South Carlsbad State Beach Campground.
Ocean Beach Estuary Enhancement Project
The project includes efforts to reduce threats to SO and SL species in the San Diego River estuary and allow human recreational use to coexist with high-quality habitat. The San Diego River estuary contains biologically valuable salt marsh and coastal dune habitats, which are increasingly rare in the region. Several SO and SL species occur in this project area including: salt marsh bird's beak, Nuttall's acmispon, western snowy plover, light-footed Ridgway's rail, and California least tern. The project will utilize management actions to minimize threats and encourage responsible human recreation including: improving access control through physical barriers to reduce threats of trampling, trash and illegal use, managing invasive weeds and planting native species to encourage pollinators of target native plant species, increasing community awareness through community education, and facilitating community investment with hands-on, meaningful volunteer projects, docent-led programs, and outreach, and growing a robust stewardship program to augment limited staff capacity for long-term maintenance of habitat and improvements. This project is partially funded by SANDAG TransNet EMP Land Management Grant #S1125510
Rare Plant Inspect and Manage Monitoring 2014-2026
From 2014-2026, a Management and Monitoring Strategic Plan (MSP Roadmap) monitoring objective for 30 rare plant species is to inspect occurrences to determine management needs. The inspect and manage (IMG) objective is implemented to document the status of rare plant occurrences and assess habitats and threats to develop specific management recommendations. IMG monitoring is implemented by a combination of land managers and contracted biologists in coordination with the SDMMP. Available rare plant data is posted below. New annual updates are typically posted in March. Based upon an evaluation of these data, a 2014-2026 monitoring schedule has been developed for the 30 rare plant species (attached below). Coordinating data collection across the region allows analyses of species and population trends over time and provides a better understanding of the association between habitat and threat covariates and population dynamics.
Rare Plant Management and Seed Plan
MSP Roadmap 2019 and 2020 objectives include developing a Management Strategic Plan Framework Rare Plant Management Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County and a Management Strategic Plan Seed Collection, Banking, and Bulking Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County. These plans include general sections with background information and rationale for prioritizing and developing management recommendations with separate chapters and specific recommendations for priority species. In 2019, general framework sections were developed along with species chapters for San Diego thornmint, Nuttall's acmispon, salt marsh bird's-beak and Otay tarplant (CBI, AECOM and SDMMP 2020 a,b). In 2020, chapters will be developed for short-leaved dudleya, Orcutt's spineflower, and willowy monardella. These plans are developed with input and guidance provided by the Rare Plant Management Group Steering Committee and species working groups. Participants in these groups include landowners and managers, scientists, species experts, restoration specialists, seed collection and banking practitioners, and representatives from non-profit organizations and wildlife agencies. These plans are based on the latest scientific information for species on habitat relationships, ecology, genetics, seed collection guidelines, and best management practices. Occurrence-specific management recommendations are based on working group input and multiple years of Inspect and Manage monitoring data on population status, habitat associations and threats. These are living documents as new species chapters are added as they are developed and existing chapters are revised when new information becomes available or management actions are completed, and new recommendations are needed.

Current Distribution Rangewide

Along coast from San Diego County to Baja California, Mexico [1].

Known Populations in San Diego County

Occurs along beaches and Mission Bay shorelines in MUs 1 and 7. Twenty-one occurrences on Conserved Lands from Border Field State Park north to the San Luis Rey River Mouth.

List Status

None [2].

Habitat Affinities

Coastal dunes, coastal scrub (sandy) [3], particularly well-protected back dunes with minimal human foot traffic. Elevation range 0-10 meters [4].

Taxonomy and Genetics

Fabaceae family. Previously known as Lotus nuttallianus [2].

Life History Demography

Annual herb [3].

Seasonal Phenology

Blooms between March and July [2].


Development, nonnative plants, and land management activities. Possibly threatened by foot traffic, vehicles, and illegal dumping [2].

Literature Sources

[1] Pacific Southwest Biological Services Inc. 2014. “Biological Letter Report.” National City, CA. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004.

[2] CNPS, Rare Plant Program. 2016. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v8-02). California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA., accessed 26 August 2016.

[3] “City of San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program: Summary of Monitoring Results for Lotus Nuttallianus.” 2001.

[4] Nigro, S. 2015. “Open Space Preserve Resource Management.” San Diego, CA.