Rare Plant Management and Seed Plan

MSP Roadmap 2019 and 2020 objectives include developing a Management Strategic Plan Framework Rare Plant Management Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County and a Management Strategic Plan Seed Collection, Banking, and Bulking Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County. These plans include general sections with background information and rationale for prioritizing and developing management recommendations with separate chapters and specific recommendations for priority species. In 2019, general framework sections were developed along with species chapters for San Diego thornmint, Nuttall's acmispon, salt marsh bird's-beak and Otay tarplant (CBI, AECOM and SDMMP 2020 a,b). In 2020, chapters will be developed for short-leaved dudleya, Orcutt's spineflower, and willowy monardella. These plans are developed with input and guidance provided by the Rare Plant Management Group Steering Committee and species working groups. Participants in these groups include landowners and managers, scientists, species experts, restoration specialists, seed collection and banking practitioners, and representatives from non-profit organizations and wildlife agencies. These plans are based on the latest scientific information for species on habitat relationships, ecology, genetics, seed collection guidelines, and best management practices. Occurrence-specific management recommendations are based on working group input and multiple years of Inspect and Manage monitoring data on population status, habitat associations and threats. These are living documents as new species chapters are added as they are developed and existing chapters are revised when new information becomes available or management actions are completed, and new recommendations are needed.

General Management
Rare Plants
in progress
Project Focus

Nuttall's acmispon, Orcutt's spineflower, Otay tarplant, Salt marsh bird's-beak, San Diego thorn-mint, Short-leaved dudleya, Willowy monardella

Emily Perkins

San Diego Association of Governments

Kris Preston

San Diego Management and Monitoring Program

AECOM; Conservation Biology Institute

Kris Preston

Sarah McCutcheon

Kris Preston

Jessie Vinje; Jenna Hartsook

File name Lead Author Year Type
Management Strategic Plan Framework Rare Plant Management Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County AECOM; Conservation Biology Institute; San Diego Management and Monitoring Program 2021 report
Management Strategic Plan Seed Collection, Banking, and Bulking Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County AECOM; Conservation Biology Institute; San Diego Management and Monitoring Program 2021 report