Type: report

Article abstract: INTRODUCTION This Habitat Management Plan (HMP) has been prepared for the proposed Starwood - Santa Fe Valley project in accordance with the mitigation measures identified in the Santa ·Fe Valley Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR as amended) (County of San Diego 1995a) and the County of San Diego's conditions of approval for the project's tentative map (TM 5073). The HMP implements the habitat management guidelines for Planning Area II of the Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan (SFVSP). Specifically, the HMP provides direction for the permanent preservation of environmentally sensitive areas designated as Open Space I (OS I) in the referenced EIR. This HMP also follows the framework established by the HMP for the Bernardo Lakes Project (Affinis 1998), which is shown as Planning Area IV of the SFVSP. The Bernardo Lakes HMP was the first to be adopted within the SFVSP area and is intended to serve as a model for subsequent HMPs in the SFVSP. Specific project approval documents and permits related to this HMP include the referenced EIR and the following: Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan (County of San Diego 1995b); Balcor/Santa Fe Valley Land Company Administrative Permit AD 95- 035 (County of San Diego 1995c); Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan Resolution of Approval No. 95-464 (County of San Diego 1995d);Tentative Map 5073 Resolution of Approval (County of San Diego 1995e); Major Use Permit P95-009 (County of San Diego 1995£); Major Use Permit P95-010 (County of San Diego 1995g); Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) County of San Diego Subarea Plan (County of San Diego 1997); Section 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Section 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game; and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification/Waiver from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. The project site (and the entire SFVSP) is within the Lake Hodges Segment of the referenced County of San Diego Subarea of the MSCP. The MSCP is a comprehensive multi-agency planning eff ort, intended to create a regional habitat preserve and allow planning flexibility for development-related impacts and mitigation requirements. Specific goals identified for the MSCP and the County Subarea include conformance with the State and Federal Endangered Species Acts and the California Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act. The area to be preserved as Open Space I encompasses approximately 163 acres

Number of pages: 124

Day: 10

Month: November

Year: 2000


Prepared by: Helix Environmental Planning, Inc.;

Keywords: Endangered Species Act; MSCP; sensitive plants;

Species: Orange-throated Whiptail; White-tailed Kite; Cooper's hawk; Northern harrier; Loggerhead Shrike; Southern California rufous-crowned sparrow; Del Mar manzanita; mule-fat; Nuttall's scrub oak; coastal sage scrub oak; San Diego barrel cactus; arroyo willow; California adolphia; Wart-stemmed ceanothus; Spreading navarretia; San Diego sagewort; San Diego marsh-elder; spiny rush; Summer-holly; Horned Lark; San Diego fairy shrimp; San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit; Coastal California gnatcatcher; Bell's Sparrow

Vegetation communities: coastal sage scrub; chaparral