Furby-North Preserve Unauthorized Control Project

Currently there are multiple unauthorized trails on the Property. The Property is surrounded on all sides by heavy urbanization, and local residents frequently hike through using the northern access road or unauthorized trails. Off-road vehicle use, specifically motorcycles, is also a problem within the Property. Failure to control access to the unauthorized trails on the Property will cause further loss of on-site sensitive vegetation communities including maritime succulent scrub, Diego coastal sage scrub and vernal pools. In addition, special status species observed on-site including the coastal California gnatcatcher and coastal cactus wren could be affected by unauthorized use of the Property. This one-year project will add signage, fencing, and gates on the Property to prevent unauthorized access into and across the Property and allow for future active restoration of the unauthorized trails as outlined in the Resource Management Plan. The County will coordinate with the SANDAG enforcement program to increase patrols and enforce County regulations on the Property once signs are intellect, The County also will coordinate with Earth Discovery Institute to develop a public outreach program with the San Ysidro School District,including, but not limited to, the distribution of flyers discussing general ecology using the proposed project as an example of how good stewardship results in positive biological changes The message will encourage school children to participate in the conservation effort of their local flora and fauna and thus reduce trespassing across the Property. The County will provide on-site monitoring during installation and post-installation of fencing, gates, and signs to document the effectiveness.

General Management
Threats and Stressors
Project Focus

coastal sage scrub, vernal pools and alkali playa

County of San Diego, Department of Parks and Recreation

Jennifer Price

Sarah McCutcheon

Sarah McCutcheon

Jennifer Price

Human uses of the Preserves

Goal: The goal for managing human use of preserves is to understand and reduce the impacts of human uses on Conserved Lands where human use is reducing the population levels and/or viability of MSP species populations.

local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Management units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Beginning in 2017, limit or restrict passive recreation uses within Important Management Areas and/or significant occurrences of MSP species during the breeding season for animals and peak growing season for plants and minimize adverse effects from vegetation trampling, erosion, and trash.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Identify where passive recreation uses may impact Important Management Areas and/or significant occurrences of MSP species on preserves. If possible, implement restrictions on use of these areas during the breeding season and peak growing season for plants. Furby-North Preserve Unauthorized Control Project, Proctor Valley Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Barrier, Otay River Valley Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement , Vernal Pool Restoration
IMP-2 Implement litter control measures, such as closed garbage cans and recycling bins, at preserve access points. Furby-North Preserve Unauthorized Control Project, Proctor Valley Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Barrier, Otay River Valley Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration and Enhancement , Vernal Pool Restoration
Criteria Deadline year
Restrictions on Passive Recreation Implemented for the Protection of MSP Resources 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE