Type: report
Number of pages: 37
Authors: Howell, Scarlett L.; Kus, Barbara;
Year: 2018
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to document the status of Least Bell’s Vireo at the Tijuana River 2 years after KSHB/FD infestation and compare it to historic vireo abundance and distribution. Specifically, our goals were to (1) determine the size and distribution of the Least Bell’s Vireo population at the Tijuana River in 2017, (2) compare the 2017 population to preinfestation populations using historical datasets for all or parts of the drainage, (3) document changes in vireo distribution related to level of KSHB/FD infestation, and (4) compare vireo numbers and recent trends at the Tijuana River to those at non-infested areas on other drainages to determine the extent to which trends at the Tijuana River were attributable to KSHB/FD as opposed to other, regional factors. These data will be used to develop specific goals and practices for managing riparian habitat and associated species threatened by KSHB/FD
Notes: This work was funded by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), San Diego County, California. All activities were conducted under 10(a)1(A) Recovery Permit #TE829554-17.4.
Prepared for: SANDAG;
Prepared by: U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center;
Keywords: bird surveys; Fusarium Dieback; Invasive animals; Kuroshio Shot Hole Borer; least Bell's Vireo; Santa Margarita River; Sweetwater River; Tijuana River Valley;
Species: Least Bell's vireo
Vegetation communities: riparian forest & scrub
Threats: Invasive animals