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Northern harrier Circus cyaneus

Goal: Protect, enhance, and restore northern harrier occupied and historically occupied habitat to create resilient, self-sustaining populations that provide for persistence over the long-term (>100 years).

regional NFO 2019 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

In 2019, conduct a survey for northern harrier and other associated raptors to document the harrier's current distribution and abundance and to assess habitat and threats at survey sites. Prepare site-specific management recommendations based on survey results and habitat assessments.

Action Statement Action status Projects
SURV-1 Submit monitoring data and management recommendations to MSP web portal Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
Northern Harrier Surveys and Reports Completed by 2020 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

From 2017 to 2021, annually inspect the existing nesting occurrences of northern harrier, taking precautions to avoid disturbance, to identify necessary management actions in order to support the expansion of the occurrence to self sustaining levels.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Conduct regional IMG monitoring protocol survey locations and habitat, assess status, and quantify potential threats. Available for implementation
IMP-2 Based upon threat evaluation, determine if routine management or more intensive management is warranted. Available for implementation
IMP-3 Submit monitoring data and management recommendations to MSP web portal Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
Surveys Completed Annually with management recommendations 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
local NFO 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

From 2017-2021, perform routine management activities such as protecting nesting occurrences from disturbance through fencing, signage, and enforcement.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Perform management activities protecting occurrences from disturbance through fencing, signage, and enforcement. Available for implementation
IMP-2 Submit project metadata and management data to MSP web portal. Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
Management Completed as Needed Based Upon Monitoring Recommendations 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
regional NFO 2020 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

In 2020, prepare a management plan for northern harrier that prioritizes management actions to protect nesting sites from disturbance and enhances habitat using data from annual IMG monitoring.

Action Statement Action status Projects
PRP-1 Prioritize management actions, focusing on reducing threats and expanding occurrences in areas most likely to remain viable over the long-term in the context of future land development. Available for implementation
PRP-2 Develop a management plan for northern harrier that prioritizes management actions for the next five years. Available for implementation
PRP-3 Submit management plan to MSP web portal Available for implementation
Criteria Deadline year
Management Plan for Northern Harrier prepared by 2021 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
regional and/or local NFO 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Beginning in 2021, implement the highest priority management actions for northern harrier on Conserved Lands.

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Management actions to be determined by the management plan. waiting for precedent action
IMP-2 Submit project data and management actions to MSP web portal waiting for precedent action
Criteria Deadline year
Management actions implemented for Northern Harrier 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV
regional and/or local NFO 2021 SO

Management units: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Beginning in 2021, monitor the effectiveness of management actions implemented for northern harrier on Conserved Lands

Action Statement Action status Projects
IMP-1 Submit monitoring data and reports to MSP web portal waiting for precedent action
Criteria Deadline year
Monitoring completed and data and report submited within 1 year of management actions being completed. 2021
Threat Name Threat Code
Human uses of the PreservesHUMUSE
Invasive plantsINVPLA
Urban developmentURBDEV