Hermes Copper Butterfly Surveys and Translocation Efforts - Task 6: 2021 Hermes Copper Adult Surveys Task 7: Hermes Copper Translocation

Type: report

Article abstract: The 2021 status of the Hermes copper populations is similar to the last couple years, with only three sites being occupied (Boulder Creek, Roberts Ranch South, and Potrero BLM) on conserved lands. It now appears that, after two consecutive years of no observations, Lawson Peak and Roberts Ranch North are extirpated. With more focused attention, the Potrero BLM site may have a larger population than indicated by two observations in 2020 and four in 2021, but more widespread surveys in this area are needed for an accurate description. Since Hermes copper adults were not detected at any sites, the long-term viability of the species appears to be highly dependent on the Robert Ranch South population. (SANDAG TransNet EMP Contract #5005783)

Number of pages: 22

Authors: Marschalek, Dan;

Day: 31

Month: October

Year: 2021

Notes: SANDAG TransNet EMP Contract #5005783

Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments;

Prepared by: University of Central Missouri;

Keywords: Hermes copper (Lycaena hermes); translocation;

Species: Hermes copper


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