Santa Ana Mountains to eastern Peninsular Range Conservation Connectivity Infrastructure Planning Project for Interstate 15 and Closely Associated Roadways

Type: report

Number of pages: 76

Authors: Vickers, Winston; Drayer, Karen; Smith, Trish; Cohen, Brian;

Day: 31

Month: March

Year: 2020

Purpose: The goal of this project was for the Project Team to help define a connectivity “roadmap” for mountain lions across the region by better characterizing the sections and specific sites along area highways where mountain lions are likely to approach for crossing, define where safe crossings can occur, where barrier effects are present, and to suggest mitigation measures where appropriate. The information developed can allow Caltrans, County highway agencies, regional conservation agencies, non-profit conservation groups, and State and Federal wildlife agencies to develop the most practical approaches to improving connectivity and reducing vehicle-wildlife collisions in key highway crossing areas. Engineering collaborators from CPP joined this project to provide input into feasibility of different proposed connectivity improvements such as directional fencing, culvert or bridge modifications, sound buffering concepts, and new crossing structure construction along I-15 especially

Notes: Final report re NCCP-Local Assistance Grant # P1750301 from California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and SANDAG – UCD agreement #A37682/MOU #5005298 Awarded to the University of California, Davis Wildl

Prepared by: University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis Wildlife Health Center; California Polytechnic University, Pomona; The Nature Conservancy;

Keywords: connectivity; mountain lion; wildlife and infrastructure;

Species: Mountain lion
