Pre-fire Planning

Before fires, maps of infrastructure and sensitive resources are compiled.

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Incident Reponse

The READ cohort responds to active fire incidents to assess damage and provide scientific-based decision making to protect natural and cultural resources.

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Post-fire Recovery

Research to monitor species of sensitive habitats and species. BAER teams respond to incidents to monitor, restore, and mitigate fire effects on infrastructure and sensitive resources.

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SPARCS (Suppression & Planning Actions for Restoring Communities & Species) is a program that creates proactive solutions by connecting local Ecological and Cultural resource experts with fire managers to identify concerns for active wildfire management in the Southern California Ecoregion.

Impacts to natural and cultural resources on active wildfires via fire effects and suppression activities can have long-lasting effects on habitat. In Southern California, there is a mosaic of open space and conservation landowners as well as being an ecological hotspot with dozens of endangered species of plants and wildlife that makes resource protection during wildland fire management a challenge. With the increased risk of wildland fire, especially along the wildland urban interface, wildland fire managers need to incorporate local experts and conservation open space landowners into decision making processes.

It is a collaboration of local agencies including the USGS Western Ecological Research Center San Diego Field Station, BLM, San Diego Management and Monitoring Program, USFWS, NPS, CalFire, the County of San Diego, and local NGOs and will facilitate a shift in adaptive management in Southern California by establishing databases and web maps for fire personnel to utilize while responding to wildland fires in Southern California and create and manage a cohort of Resource Advisors in the Southern California Ecoregion.

This program received initial funding from SANDAG and expanded support from Camp Pendleton MCB and ACOE Los Angeles District.

Aftermath of a fire
Pre-fire Planning

In preparation of an emergency event, we have started to compile important information for fire fighters. This map includes infrastructure for suppression efforts (roads, water sources, etc.) and sensitive resource areas to avoid, if possible. To view this information, you will need to sign up for an account through Intterra or Tactical Analyst.

In progress
Planned, funded
Planned, not funded
2013 Fire

In 2013, a workshop with biologists and fire personnel was held to discuss fire and suppression impacts on sensitive resources. Recommendations from this workshop are being implemented in the SPARCs program. For a full report and recordings, click below.

2013 Fire Workshop

Prioritizing Conserved Areas

Additional modelling was conducted to prioritize areas with high biodiversity potential in fire-prone areas. Maps of priority landscapes and the full report are available at the following SDMMP project page.

View project

Contact us

To participate in the infrastructure and sensitive resource planning efforts, please contact Austin Parker.

Contact Us

Incident Reponse

READ Cohort

The Southern California cohort of wildland fire resource advisors and fire archaeologists provide local expertise, advise on ecologically sound fire suppression and suppression repair tactics to best protect natural and cultural resources.

To participate in trainings, please Contact Us.

READ Cohort formulating a plan.

Educational Materials

Hermes copper butterfly
Hermes copper butterfly
Mexican flannelbush
Mexican flannelbush
Quino checkerspot butterfly
Quino checkerspot butterfly
Post-fire Recovery
A map of detailed species locations is available to approved READs. To get access to the map, please join the READ cohort and request permission. Post-fire recovery studies are ongoing by species or taxa.
Additional products on planning, populations, and genetic responses to fires

Rangewide occupancy of a flagship species, the Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) in southern California: Habitat associations and recovery from wildfire

Barbara E. Kus, Kristine L. Preston, Alexandra Houston

Long-term occupancy monitoring reveals value of moderate disturbance for an open-habitat specialist, the Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi)

Cheryl S. Brehme, Philip R. Gould, Denise R. Clark, Robert N. Fisher

Interactions among rainfall, fire, forbs and non-native grasses predict occupancy dynamics for the endangered Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus) in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem

Cheryl S. Brehme, Sarah K. Thomsen, Devin Adsit-Morris, Robert N. Fisher

Evolutionary dynamics of a rapidly receding southern range boundary in the threatened California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii)

Jonathan Q. Richmond, Kelly R. Barr, Adam R. Backlin, Amy G. Vandergast and Robert N. Fisher

Conservation genetics of evolutionary lineages of the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog, Rana muscosa (Amphibia: Ranidae), in southern California

Sean. D. Schoville, Tate S. Tustall, Vance T. Vredenburg, Adam R. Backlin, Elizabeth Gallegos, Dustin A. Woodd, Robert N. Fisher

Setting priorities for private land conservation in fire-prone landscapes: Are fire risk reduction and biodiversity conservation competing or compatible objectives?

Alexandra D. Syphard, Van Butsic, Avi Bar-Massada, Jon E. Keeley, Jeff A. Tracey, Robert N. Fisher
Post-fire recovery