California Gnatcatcher Post-Fire Study

This is a planned 5-year study. The purpose of this study is to: 1) Determine whether there has been further recovery of CAGN in areas burned in 2003 (i.e., occupancy greater than 10%). 2) Determine if there is a difference in CAGN occupancy between areas burned in 2003, 2007, and 2014. 3) Determine the relationship between CAGN occupancy and vegetation composition, cover and structure. 4) Determine the composition, cover, and structure of CSS vegetation in areas with different fire histories and evaluate patterns of vegetation recovery based upon lime since fire, spatial distribution, previous land use, and environmental conditions.

Vertebrate Species
Project Focus

Coastal California gnatcatcher

coastal sage scrub

Barbara Kus

U.S. Geological Survey

Kris Preston

Kris Preston

Project Protocol
CAGN Regional Survey and Veg Sampling Protocol

California Gnatcatchers will be surveyed using the wandering transect method, where we cover a 2.25 ha plot by walking slowly and methodically through the sage scrub habitat, looking and listening for gnatcatchers. The California Gnatcatcher Regional Sampling Program includes collection of vegetation covariate data to better understand gnatcatcher habitat relationships and management needs across conserved and participating military lands in southern California.

Point counts, vegetation relevees
94.92KB CAGN Regional Survey and Veg Sampling Protocol.pdf
Strategic Elements
  • FY15-16 - 1.2
Project Location
Baja California, Riverside, San Diego
Central-central, Central-west, North-central, North-west, South-central, South-west
1, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
File name Lead Author Year Type
CAGN Regional Monitoring Sample Design Preston, Kris; Kus, Barbara 2015 protocol supplement
File name Lead Author Year Type
Regional Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatcher in Southern California Kus, Barbara; Preston, Kris; Houston, Alexandra 2017 powerpoint presentation
Project Data - Online Map