2005-2007 Prioritizing and Creating Conceptual Models for MSCP Species

This project was completed for California Department of Fish and Game Local Assistance Grant #P0450009, which assessed and improved the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Biological Monitoring Plan. This project was a modular effort and included critical assessments and research on 1) the implementation of the monitoring program to date and information relevant to successful monitoring program design 2) prioritization of MSCP species based on threat, 3) prioritization of ecological communities based on extent and representation, and 4) development of conceptual models to aid monitoring and management. These steps follow the monitoring program design described in Atkinson et al. 2004 which can be found at: https://sdmmp.com/view_article.php?cid=CID_jmolden%40usgs.gov_57acfadf298c1.

Vegetation Community
Project Groups
  • SDMMP31 Vegetation Monitoring Methods

Project Focus

chaparral, coastal sage scrub

Douglas Deutschman

San Diego State University

Emily Perkins

Spring Strahm

Strategic Elements
  • pre FY15-1
Project Location
Baja California, Riverside, San Diego
Central-central, Central-west, North-central, North-west, South-central, South-west
1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
File name Lead Author Year Type
Assessment of the Biological Monitoring Plan for San DiegoÂ’s Multiple Species Conservation Program Hierl, Lauren; Regan, Helen; Franklin, Janet; Deutschman, Douglas 2005 report
Developing Conceptual Models to Improve the Biological Monitoring Plan for San Diego's Multiple Species Conservation Program Hierl, Lauren; Franklin, Janet; Deutschman, Douglas; Regan, Helen 2007 report
Grouping and Prioritizing Natural Communities for the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Franklin, Janet; Hierl, Lauren; Deutschman, Douglas; Regan, Helen 2006 report
San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Covered Species Prioritization Regan, Helen; Hierl, Lauren; Franklin, Janet; Deutschman, Douglas 2006 report
Species prioritization for monitoring and management in regional multiple species conservation plans Deutschman, Douglas; Franklin, Janet; Hierl, Lauren; Johnson, Brenda; Regan, Helen; Schmalbach, Heather; Winchell, Clark 2008 journal article