2010-2012 Refining Research Objectives and Data Collection Methods

A new phase of the vegetation monitoring program began in 2010. After several years focused on data collection and analysis, this project focused on closing the feedback loop as envisioned in Atkinson et al. 2004. Work involved a wide array of stakeholders to revise and update the goals and objectives of the monitoring and management plans, develop conceptual models for individual preserves, and adapt and apply management plans on individual preserves. One aspect of this work was a structured workshop. The workshop, based on the Dahlem model, was the first concrete step in facilitating collaborative decision making.

Vegetation Community
Project Groups
  • SDMMP31 Vegetation Monitoring Methods

Project Focus

chaparral, coastal sage scrub

San Diego State University

Emily Perkins

Spring Strahm

Project Protocol
Strategic Elements
  • pre FY15-1
Project Location
Baja California, Riverside, San Diego
Central-central, Central-west, North-central, North-west, South-central, South-west
1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
File name Lead Author Year Type
Evaluation and Refinement of Vegetation monitoring methods for the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program Deutschman, Douglas; Strahm, Spring 2011 report
Monitoring Practices for Vegetation: Pilot Studies to Power Analysis Presentation Strahm, Spring; Deutschman, Douglas 2012 powerpoint presentation