Coastal Cactus Wren & California Gnatcatcher Habitat Restoration Project, Phase II, Final Report

Type: report

Article abstract: In collaboration with Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek (Groundwork) and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), AECOM was selected to enhance and restore existing and potential coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) and California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) habitat in Encanto and Radio Canyons. Groundwork is an independent, not-for-profit, environmental business that works within San Diego’s Chollas Creek Watershed to improve the environment, economy, and quality of life in the area through local community projects. Over the past several years, Groundwork has been an integral part of the restoration and enhancement of the Chollas Creek area. The project was funded by SANDAG under the Transnet Environmental Mitigation Program (EMP). This project was identified as an opportunity to create and enhance habitat for the coastal cactus wren (Photo 1) and California gnatcatcher and offer a more native landscape for the community surrounding the sites. This is consistent with the goals as identified in the Chollas Creek Enhancement Plan (2001). The habitat enhancement and restoration objectives included removal of nonnative plant cover and planting of approximately 20,000 new coast cholla cactus (Cylindropuntia prolifera), which is preferred nesting habitat for the coastal cactus wren. The California gnatcatcher would also benefit from the improved habitat, since this species is also present in the project area and uses maritime succulent scrub habitat in conjunction with coastal sage scrub habitat. Enhancement and expansion of areas with existing occupied gnatcatcher and cactus wren habitats improve and expand habitat for both species, improving the chances for the long-term health of local and regional populations. This project also offered a unique opportunity for students and residents within the surrounding canyon communities to play an important role in planning and implementing of the habitat restoration program.

Number of pages: 221

Authors: AECOM; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek;

Month: December

Year: 2013

Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments;

Prepared by: AECOM; Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek;

Keywords: cactus wren; California gnatcatcher;

Species: California Gnatcatcher; Coastal cactus wren