Strategic Control of Invasive Weed Species 1st Quarter Report - FY 2021-22: Report #25 for Project January 1st, 2021 - March 31st, 2021

Type: report

Article abstract: Invasive plants are considered one of the biggest threats to endangered species and their habitats. A strategic plan for managing non-native invasive plant species in San Diego County was completed in 2012 through a SANDAG contract to the Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) ( The Invasive Plant Strategic Plan (IPSP) is designed to develop a strategic approach towards the eradication and management of invasive plants in the San Diego region. The IPSP is meant to work in conjunction with the Management Strategic Plan for Conserved Lands in Western San Diego County (MSP) (Management Strategic Plan). This Scope of Work will require the contractor to focus on the management of invasive plants identified in Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the IPSP.

Number of pages: 21

Authors: Giessow, Jason;

Day: 31

Month: March

Year: 2021

Notes: MOU #5004552 County of San Diego, Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures Strategic Removal of Invasive Weed Species

Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments;

Prepared by: Dendra Inc;

Keywords: Invasive Plant Strategic Plan; invasive plants;

Threats: Invasive plants
