Type: report
Number of pages: 734
Year: 2002
Purpose: In recent years, numbers of Canada geese that nest and/or reside predominantly within the conterminous United States (resident Canada geese) have undergone dramatic population growth and have increased to levels that are increasingly coming into conflict with people and causing personal and public property damage. The purpose of this Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is to evaluate alternative strategies to reduce, manage, and control resident Canada goose populations in the continental United States and to reduce related damages. Further, the objective of this DEIS and any ultimate proposal is to provide a regulatory mechanism that would allow State and local agencies, other Federal agencies, and groups and individuals to respond to damage complaints or damages by resident Canada geese. The means must be more effective than the current system; environmentally sound, cost-effective, flexible enough to meet the variety of management needs found throughout the flyways, should not threaten viable resident Canada goose populations as determined by each Flyway Council, and must be developed in accordance with the mission of the Service.
Prepared by: USFWS;
Keywords: Environmental Impact Statement; management;
Species: Canada goose