Results of the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Survey at Various Locations within the International Fuel Break San Diego County, California

Type: report

Article abstract: Chambers Group, Inc. was retained by the Bureau of Land Managemenl (BLM), to conduct a habitat assessment and focused adult surveys to delermine the presence/absence of the Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), within three sections of ihe Intemational Fuel Break (fuel break). The total survey area encompesses approximately 438 acres in San Diego County, Califomia. Surveys are broken into three sites: Shockey, Truck trail, Tecate Peak, Otay Mountain fuel break. Of the three survey areas along the lntemational Fuel Break during the 2002 flight season, Quino checkerspot butterfly was only observed on the Otay Mountain portion of the fuel break. Although Shockey Truck Trail and Tecate Peak had suitable topographical features (hilltops and ridgelines, etc.), host plants, and nectar sources, the results of the focused surveys were negative at these two locations. Overall butterfly activity was moderate, with over 25 species of butterfly observed during the course of the 2002 surveys. The most detrimental activities to Quino include an increase in frequency of hand clearing and prescribed burns in areas along the fuel breaks that contain suitable topography and abundanl host plants and nectar sources.

Number of pages: 139

Month: June

Year: 2002

Purpose: The purpose of this report is to document the site conditions and results of the Quino surveys.

Prepared for: Bureau of Land Management;

Prepared by: Chambers Group, Inc.;

Keywords: BLM reports; butterfly; Chambers Group; chaparral; endangered; Euphydryas editha quino; fuel break; FWS; habitat assessment; Otay; Quino checkerspot Butterfly; riparian; San Diego; scrub; surveys; Tecate Peak; woodlands;

Species: Quino checkerspot butterfly