Monitoring and Adaptive Management of Burrowing Owl on Conserved Lands in Southern San Diego County: Exhibit A - Scope of Work

Type: other

Article abstract: We propose a comprehensive monitoring and management program that will resolve critical uncertainties about the Burrowing Owl in southern San Diego County. The proposed work will also test the efficacy of habitat enhancement techniques for supporting populations that are sustainable in the long-term. This program will include evaluating many of the potential drivers of burrowing owl dynamics. We will primarily focus on burrow availability, the role of ground squirrels as ecosystem engineers, prey availability, and the impact of vegetation and site factors such as soils and topography.

Number of pages: 7

Day: 30

Month: December

Year: 2010

Prepared for: San Diego Association of Governments;

Prepared by: San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research; Institute for Ecological Modeling and Management at San Diego State University;

Keywords: burrowing owl; ground squirrel; MSCP; SDSU;

Species: California ground squirrel; Western burrowing owl