Rapid Assessment of the Distribution of American Badgers Within Western San Diego County

Type: report

Article abstract: In FY 2011, the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) funded this initial study by a Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP) Local Assistance Grant (LAG) to determine if badgers still persist in the western portion of San Diego County. Survey sites were prioritized according to three criteria; 1) areas with historical and/or recent badger records, 2) conserved lands with priority given to MSCP and Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP) lands, and 3) areas containing moderate to abundant grassland habitat. We conducted canine scent surveys for American badger scat using a specially trained canine scent team from Conservation Canines (Heath Smith and Pips; University of Washington) from November 14 to December 14, 2011. We surveyed for badger scat across 32 sites within San Diego County and two sites in southern Riverside County. Pips had positive behavioral responses to scat at 13 sites. Using a badger specific DNA test, we were able to verify the scat collected to be that of the American badger at twelve sites: Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (Juliett and Oscar One), Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station, Daley Ranch in Escondido, Ramona Grasslands, Warner Springs Ranch, Whelan Lake, Crestridge Ecological Reserve, Santa Ysabel Ecological Reserve, Hollenbeck Canyon Wildlife Area, Marron Valley, and the Santa Rosa Plateau. Because badgers are present within the western portion of the County, they are a suitable species for assessing upland connectivity by means of radio-telemetry. As a priority for research, we recommend follow-up focused surveys to identify target areas for future live-trapping and telemetry and to better define any areas with higher densities of badgers. We recommend development of a microsat

Number of pages: 46

Authors: Brehme, Cheryl; Fisher, Robert N.; Hathaway, Stacie; Rochester, Carlton; Smith, B.H;

Year: 2012

Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey

Notes: Natural Community Conservation Plan Local Assistance Grant P1082032

Prepared for: California Department of Fish and Game;

Prepared by: U.S. Geological Survey;

Keywords: American badgers; Badger; canine surveys; genetic; genetic sampling; Taxidea taxus;

Species: American badger


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File description: Final LAG report for Badger study
File owner: San Diego Management and Monitoring Program