Hermes copper
Significant Concern
Metric | Condition | Trend | Confidence |
1. Occupied SitesNumber of sites with Hermes copper detections |
Significant Concern |
Declining |
High |
2. Population StatusNumber of sentinel sites with at least 50 individuals detected |
Significant Concern |
Declining |
High |
Current Status
The current overall condition status of the Hermes Copper Species Indicator is Significant Concern based on consideration of the two metrics selected. In 2020, Hermes copper populations had disappeared from all but three sites occupied in 2010 (Metric 1) and the remaining populations dwindled to small numbers (Metric 2). Additional metrics will be developed in the future as more information becomes available.
Species information
For more information on this species including Occurrences, MSP Information, Projects, Files & Documents, and Species Profile, see the link below.
Species Information
Species Information
Metric 1 - Occupied Sites
Significant Concern
Metric 2 - Population Status
Significant Concern
Additional Resources
Related Projects
Selected Citations
Citation Name | Leading Author | Year |
Hermes Copper Butterfly Surveys and Translocation Efforts - Task 6: 2021 Hermes Copper Adult Surveys Task 7: Hermes Copper Translocation | Dan Marschalek | 2021 |
Hermes Copper Butterfly Surveys and Translocation Efforts: Task 4: 2020 Hermes Copper Adult Surveys | Dan Marschalek | 2020 |
Hermes Copper Butterfly Translocation, Reintroduction, and Surveys | Dan Marschalek | 2018 |
Hermes Copper Surveys: 2019 Flight Season | Dan Marschalek | 2019 |
Related Objectives
Objectives | Metrics |
LYCHER-1: Survey Species | HECO1HECO2 |
LYCHER-10: Implement Monitoring Plan | HECO1 |
LYCHER-2: Implement | HECO1 |
LYCHER-5: Develop Predictive model | HECO1 |
LYCHER-6: Prepare Management Plan | HECO1HECO2 |
LYCHER-9: Prepare Monitoring Plan | HECO2 |