Two-Year Evaluation of Hermes Copper (Lycaena hermes)

This project was conducted to address the growing concerns about the status of Hermes copper and minimize the risk that Hermes copper will become extinct. The objectives were: (1) improve our basic understanding of population status and trend; (2) describe natural and anthropogenic threats to the species; (3) evaluate potential management options to ameliorate threats and/or to increase the size and range of viable populations. Year 1 included: GIS analysis, landscape genetics, vegetation survey, hermes copper field survey, and data analysis. Year 2 included: field surveys, landscape genetics, and data analysis and synthesis.

Invertebrate Species
Project Groups
  • SDMMP_2017_19647237 Hermes Copper Regional Management and Monitoring

Project Focus

Hermes copper

coastal sage scrub

Douglas Deutschman

San Diego State University

Dan Marschalek

Kris Preston

Dan Marschalek

Project Protocol
Strategic Elements
  • pre FY15-1
Project Location
San Diego
Central-central, Central-west, South-central, South-west
10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
File name Lead Author Year Type
Initial Evaluation of the Status of Hermes copper (Lycaena hermes) On Conserved Lands in San Diego County Deutschman, Douglas; Berres, Mark; Marschalek, Dan; Spring, Shawn 2010 report
Two-year Evaluation of Hermes Copper (Lycaena hermes) on Conserved Lands in San Diego County Deutschman, Douglas; Berres, Mark; Marschalek, Dan; Spring, Shawn 2011 report