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report 2011
Fiesta Island Rare Plant Surveys by California Native Plant Society Rare Plant Survey Committee, Spring 2011
Lead author: Frank Landis
In April and May, 2011, California Native Plant Society (CNPS) volunteers, led by Dr. Frank Landis, searched for sensitive, rare, and endangered plants on the publicly accessible areas of Fiesta Island. This search was part of a larger 2011 effort to find rare coastal dune plants in San Diego County, focusing on beaches that had not been recently surveyed. CNPS volunteers found five sensitive plant species growing on Fiesta Island: Nuttall's lotus, a CDFG list 1B species. Between 1,234 and 1,253 plants were found. Coast woollyheads, a CDFG list 1B species. Between an estimated 4,350 and 5,050 were found. Robinson's pepper-grass, a CDFG list 1B species. Approximately 10,000 were found. Red sand verbena, a CDFG list 4 species. Sixteen were found. Woolly seablite, a CDFG list 4 species. This shrub is abundant on berms around the southern half of the island, and was not counted.

report 2001
Lead author: Kathy Keane
An estimated 3,451 to 3,674 pairs of California least terns nested at 36 nesting sites in 1999 and produced an estimated 671 to 711 fledglings. These estimates result in 0.18 to 0.21 fledglings per pair, the lowest productivity recorded since statewide censuses were initiated in 1976. Statewide pair estimates decreased 11% from 1998 values, but fledgling estimates declined by 74.9% due to exceedingly high predation and chick mortality at many sites. Over 30% of the nesting population was concentrated at two sites (Mission Bay Mariner's Point and Santa Margarita North Beach); ten sites supported a combined total of 76.6% of statewide pairs. One site (Los Angeles Harbor) contributed nearly 24% of the state's fledglings in 1999; Los Angeles Harbor and three other sites (NAS Alameda, Ormond Beach and Mission Bay Mariner's Point) produced over 50% of 1999 statewide fledglings. Four sites that supported least tern pairs in 1998 reported no nesting in 1999 (Batiquitos Lagoon W-1 and E-2; Mission Bay Fiesta Island, Mission Bay South Shores); four additional sites (Venice Beach, Seal Beach, Bolsa Chica, Chula Vista Wildlife Refuge) supported nesting but had no productivity in 1999. 1999 pair estimates were 18% lower than corresponding statewide nest numbers; in 1998 they differed by only 9%. Renesting may have occurred far less frequently in 1999 than in 1998 due to far higher predation (16.5% of all eggs and 7.7% of chicks hatched) and other factors contributing to chick mortality (26.5% of all hatched eggs) in 1999. The greatest egg losses in 1999 were attributed to coyotes, crows and ravens; highest chick/fledgling losses were to American kestrels, coyotes and peregrine falcons. Chick mortality due to factors other than predation was 26.5%, higher than 1997 and 1998 and is believed to be related to prey deficiencies and unknown factors.

report 2022
Final Report: San Diego Association of Governments CA Least Tern Habitat Restoration in Mission Bay (#5005518)
Over the course of this grant, San Diego Audubon staff, volunteers and partners carried out essential conservation and habitat restoration tasks to support nesting California least terns and MSCP-listed Nuttall’s Acmispon: conducting habitat management events at Mariner’s Point, North Fiesta Island, Stony Point, No Man’s Land and South Shores with thousands of volunteers; refining translocation protocols to establish and maintain a new population of Nuttall’s Acmispon in Mission Bay; supporting predator control efforts through our TernWatchers program to increase California least tern nesting productivity; carrying out research on alternative management efforts to reduce the reliance on herbicides; completing Annual and Long-term Management documents to guide continued nesting success in Mission Bay; engaging with the community about the importance of protecting the endangered California least tern; and supporting threatened sand dune habitat despite the challenges of a pandemic. This project was a success because of the thousands of hours of time donated by our dedicated volunteers, and the sustained support of our partners and other regional experts on California least tern management and invasive plant control. The management plans which were the final products of this grant will support permanent and visionary improvements to the coastal dune habitat in Mission Bay, creating benefits for the bay’s natural resources and the community members who enjoy and appreciate these resources. This project was partially funded by SANDAG TransNet EMP Land Management Grant #5005518