Type: report
Article abstract: In April and May, 2011, California Native Plant Society (CNPS) volunteers, led by Dr. Frank Landis, searched for sensitive, rare, and endangered plants on the publicly accessible areas of Fiesta Island. This search was part of a larger 2011 effort to find rare coastal dune plants in San Diego County, focusing on beaches that had not been recently surveyed. CNPS volunteers found five sensitive plant species growing on Fiesta Island: Nuttall's lotus, a CDFG list 1B species. Between 1,234 and 1,253 plants were found. Coast woollyheads, a CDFG list 1B species. Between an estimated 4,350 and 5,050 were found. Robinson's pepper-grass, a CDFG list 1B species. Approximately 10,000 were found. Red sand verbena, a CDFG list 4 species. Sixteen were found. Woolly seablite, a CDFG list 4 species. This shrub is abundant on berms around the southern half of the island, and was not counted.
Number of pages: 14
Authors: Landis, Frank;
Day: 27
Month: June
Year: 2011
Prepared by: California Native Plant Society;
Keywords: California Department of Fish and Game; California Native Plant Society (CNPS); California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB); Lotus nuttallianus; Nuttall's lotus;
Species: red sand verbena; wire bird's-foot trefoil; woolly seablite; Robinson's pepperweed; cottonheads