Mgmt/Monit Coord Mtg - Jun 2011

The June management/monitoring coordination meeting will be held June 22, 2011 from 9:30am-11:30am at USGS in the downstairs conference room. Topic: Dr. Andrew Bohonak (SDSU) will give a presentation on fairy shrimp genetics and Barry Martin from the Western Tracking Institute will be giving a presentation on tracking activities conducted in San Diego County.

Normal monthly meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of every month, except for the combined November/December meeting.

Agenda Agenda22Jun2011v1.pdf [77KB]


BohonakSANDAGfordistribution06222011.pdf [9164KB] SDMMPJune222011TopicDuJour.pdf [77KB]

Cowbird Data Reporting Forms with Examplesupdated2007.doc [364KB]

Biological Reporting Database v1.1 Manual.pdf [919KB] [note: contact the SDMMP for the MSAccess database]