ITIS Basic Information
Common Name: Otay Manzanita
Scientific Name: Arctostaphylos otayensis
Species Code:
Management Category: VF (species with limited distribution in the MSPA or needing specific vegetation characteristics requiring management)
Occurrence Map

Historically present
Between 2000 and
Last 10 years
Table of Occurrences

Current Distribution Rangewide

Southwest Peninsular Range of San Diego County [1].

Known Populations in San Diego County

Ten occurrences on Conserved Lands in MU3 (Otay Mountain Ecological Reserve, Otay Mountain Wilderness Area, Otay Ranch Preserve, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge).

List Status

None [2].

Habitat Affinities

Volcanic rock outcrops, chaparral, and woodlands [1]. Elevation range is 280-1700 meters.

Taxonomy and Genetics

Ericaceae family [2].

Life History Demography

Perennial evergreen shrub [2].

Seasonal Phenology

Bloom period is January-April [2].

Pollination Seed Dispersal

No information.


Development and frequent wildfires [2] in its small range [3].

Special Considerations:

Seed collections by California Plant Rescue [3].

Literature Sources

[1] Parker, V. T. , M. C. Vasey, and J. E. Keeley 2016. Arctostaphylos otayensis, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on September 07, 2016.

[2] CNPS, Rare Plant Program. 2016. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v8-02). California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA., accessed 07 September 2016.

[3] Davitt, J. (2016). Conserving the rare plants of Otay Mountain. Retrieved September 7, 2016, from