Otay Ranch Preserve Enhancement Project

The goal of the project is to restore and increase the quality of habitat for Quino checkerspot butterfly (MSP Category SL [Species at risk of loss from the Management Strategic Plan Area]) near Minnewawa Truck Trail through seasonal road closure, seeding, and planting within suitable Quino habitat. This program addresses the immediate needs of Quino within the Otay Ranch Preserve (ORP) Dulzura Parcels where loss and degradation of existing Quino habitat has occurred due to vehicles, an increase of invasive plants, and drought. The objectives to reach these goals include 1) container plant installation, 2) seeding, 3) watering, 4) erosion control, 5) removable bollard and sign installation, 6) photographic monitoring, 7) quarterly reports, 8) final report. The methodologies used in this proposal are like those used to successfully restore 6 acres of Quino habitat in the ORP San Ysidro Parcels (CDFW Local Area Assistance Grant), 14.28 acres located in the ORP Salt Creek Parcels for the City of Chula Vista Quino Checkerspot Recovery Program, and 5 acres on USFWS Refuge property for the Quino Checkerspot Augmentation Project. This project is consistent with the management and monitoring approach prescribed in SDMMP’s Management and Monitoring Strategic Plan (MSP Vol. 2D, Page V2D.2-6). This project is partially funded by SANDAD TransNet Land Management Grant #S1125469.

Habitat restoration
Threats and Stressors
in progress
September 18, 2023
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