Argentine Ant Study

The USGS conducted the experimental implementation of sampling MSP sites during wet year conditions. The project utilized a stratified sampling design and a protocol developed in 2014. A combination of GIS and field measured covariates were used to identify drivers that impact Argentine ant population dynamics. The project also included developing potential measures to make the site less or unsuitable for Argentine ants. The outcome of this study will inform management actions for experimental implementation.

Threats and Stressors
in progress
Project Groups
  • SDMMP_2018_9990324 Urban Runoff Studies

Project Focus

Argentine ant

Tritia Matsuda

Robert N. Fisher

U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center

Tritia Matsuda

Emily Perkins

Cheryl Brehme

Project Protocol
Assessing Presence of Argentine Ants Using the Bait Method

This protocol is geared towards recruiting Argentine ants to bait locations. Preferences for timing of sampling are recommended for optimizing collection of Argentine ants. Results from this type of bait study will not provide an accurate measure of what native ants are present, as many ants will not be attracted to the bait, may not be active during the baiting period, or will be competitively excluded once dominance over the bait is established.

bait stations, monitoring stations
File name Lead Author Year Type
Assessing Presence of Argentine Ants Using the Bait Method Matsuda, Tritia; Brehme, Cheryl; Fisher, Robert N. 2015 protocol
Determining Presence of Argentine Ants Using the Rapid Assessment Protocol Matsuda, Tritia; Brehme, Cheryl; Fisher, Robert N. 2016 protocol