Harbison's Dun Skipper Surveys and Monitoring

SANDAG-funded surveys for Harbison's dun skipper adults were conducted to assess year to year variation in population size. Field visits were used to document use including plants used for nectar sources, as well as obtain non-lethal genetic samples. A rapid habitat assessment was conducted at each site which included general woodland tree species composition, condition of San Diego sedge plants, and recording potential threats to the Harbison's dun skipper.

Invertebrate Species
in progress
Project Groups
  • SDMMP_2024_10498175 Harbison's Dun Skipper Regional Management and Monitoring

Project Focus

Harbison's Dun Skipper

oak woodland

Emily Perkins

San Diego Association of Governments

Dan Marschalek

University of Central Missouri

Dan Marschalek

Sarah McCutcheon

Kris Preston

Dan Marschalek

Project Protocol
File name Lead Author Year Type
2023 Harbison’s Dun Skipper Adult Surveys Marschalek, Dan; Faulkner, David E. 2023 report
Hermes copper & Harbison's dun skipper" Where we are and where we are going? Marschalek, Dan 2020 powerpoint presentation
Hermes Copper Butterfly Surveys and Translocation Efforts Task 8: 2022 Harbison’s Dun Skipper Adult Surveys Lyons, Abigail; Marschalek, Dan 2022 report
Hermes Copper Butterfly Surveys and Translocation Efforts - Task 8: 2021 Harbison's Dun Skipper Adult Surveys Marschalek, Dan 2021 report
Initial Investigation of Critical Biological Uncertainties for Harbison's dun skipper (Euphyes vestris harbisoni) on Conserved Lands in San Diego County Deutschman, Douglas; Marschalek, Dan 2015 report
Rare Butterfly Management and Conservation Planning, Task 7: 2016 Harbison's Dun Skipper Flight Season Surveys Marschalek, Dan; Deutschman, Douglas 2016 report
Rare Butterfly Monitoring and Translocation Task 1.4: 2017 Harbison's Dun Skipper Flight Season Surveys Marschalek, Dan; Deutschman, Douglas 2017 report
Recording - August 2020 SDMMP Management and Monitoring Coordination Meeting Marschalek, Dan; Spring, Shawn 2020 recording
Recording - August 2021 SDMMP Management and Monitoring Coordination Meeting Marschalek, Dan; Markman, Bruce 2021 recording
Recording - July SDMMP Management and Monitoring Coordination Meeting Marschalek, Dan; Scully, Pete 2023 recording
San Diego Insect Conservation Update: Hermes Copper, Harbison's Dun Skipper, Pollinators Marschalek, Dan 2021 powerpoint presentation