2008-2010 Evaluating Vegetation Data Collection Methods

The objective of this NCCP Local Assistance Grant and SANDAG EMP funded project is to evaluate different sampling designs and field protocols for monitoring coastal sage scrub (CSS) and chaparral vegetation communities. This effort addresses one of the two broad goals of the monitoring program, namely monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function. The objective of this project is to evaluate the cost and accuracy of different sampling designs and field protocols for monitoring coastal sage scrub (CSS) and chaparral vegetation. This project builds on the Franklin, Regan and Deutschman LAG project funded by CDFG (Agreement #P0450009) and complements two other LAG grants. These projects include a review of the rare plant monitoring program for the MSCP by McEachern et al. (Agreement # P0350011) and a review of the animal monitoring portion of the MSCP by the USFWS (Agreement #P0585100). This report follows and elaborates on ideas presented in two earlier reports submitted to CA DFG (Deutschman, Franklin, and Lewison - Agreement # P0685105; Deutschman - Agreement # P0782006).

Vegetation Community
Project Groups
  • SDMMP31 Vegetation Monitoring Methods

Project Focus

chaparral, coastal sage scrub

Douglas Deutschman

San Diego State University

Emily Perkins

Spring Strahm

Project Protocol
Strategic Elements
  • pre FY15-1
Project Location
Baja California, Riverside, San Diego
Central-central, Central-west, North-central, North-west, South-central, South-west
1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
File name Lead Author Year Type
Improving Statistical Sampling and Vegetation Monitoring the San Diego MSCP Deutschman, Douglas; Strahm, Spring 2009 report
Using Variance Components Analysis to Improve Vegetation Monitoring for the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) Final Report Deutschman, Douglas; Strahm, Spring; Bailey, David; Franklin, Janet; Lewison, Rebecca 2008 report