Type: journal article
Article abstract: Used radio telemetry to access nesting locations of four Western Pond Turtle from May to August 1989. Study was conducted in the Arroyo Laguna-Oak Knoll Creek drainage in San Luis Obispo, California. Habitat surrounding the arroyo is a mosaic of coastal steppe, coastal sagebrush and oakwoods. Found nests in the uplands of the arroyo hypothesized to be due to the WPT attempt to increase their reproductive success by avoiding seasonal floods washing away the eggs. Deemed the habitat corridor of up to 0.5km on either side of water courses should be protected year-round for nesting habitat and potential overwintering of the hatchlings in the nests.
Number of pages: 6
Authors: Rathbun, G.B.; Siepel, N.R.; Holland, Dan;
Journal title: The Southwestern Naturalist
Month: September
Year: 1992
Volume: 37
Number: 3
Publisher: The Southwestern Association of Naturalists
Website: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3671880
Keywords: Actinemys marmorata; animal movement; Emys marmorata; nesting behavior; radio-tracking; southwestern pond turtle;
Species: Southwestern pond turtle
Vegetation communities: coastal sage scrub; oak woodland