Type: report
Article abstract: The updated inventory provides current and expanded information regarding the location of vernal pool basins and rare, threatened, and endangered biota within the City of San Diego. The resulting data, which includes vernal pools on private and public lands, will be analyzed to determine the extent of vernal pool protection, as well as current preservation and management needs. This new information will serve as the basis for updating the City of San Diego Vernal Pool Management Plan (1996), which identifies and prioritizes management activities for vernal pools on land owned by the City of San Diego.
Number of pages: 226
Year: 2003
Purpose: The updated inventory provides current and expanded information regarding the location of vernal pool basins and rare, threatened, and endangered biota within the City of San Diego in 2002 and 2003.
Prepared by: City of San Diego;
Keywords: Branchinecta sandiegonensis; Bufo boreas; City of San Diego; Hyla regilla; Pacific treefrog; San Diego; San Diego fairy shrimp; Spea hammondii; Vernal Pools; western spadefoot toad; western toad;