Type: report
Article abstract: The goal of this study was to elucidate relationships among the geographically proximate members of the M. linoides and M. odoratissima groups using population genetics methods, namely M. linoides [subsps. Linoides, oblonga (E. Greene) Abrams, and stricta (Parish) Epling], M. viminea, M. stoneana, and M. australis Abrams (of the M. odoratissima group) (but see Elvin and Sanders in press). Fluorescent ISSRs were employed because they require no up front information (unlike microsatellites) and provide a larger number of fragments than non-fluorescent methods. The specific goal was to test the hypotheses that M. viminea is distinct from M. stoneana, that M. viminea is distinct from M. linoides, and that M. stoneana and M. viminea are more closely related to M. australis than to M. linoides.
Number of pages: 26
Authors: Prince, Linda;
Year: 2009
Purpose: The goal of this study was to elucidate relationships among the geographically proximate members of the M. linoides and M. odoratissima groups using population genetics methods.
Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
Prepared by: Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden;
Keywords: endangered species; Genetic Studies; Monardella linoides ssp. viminea; Monardella stoneana; Monardella viminea; San Diego County; willowy monardella;