Riparian Bird Surveys for South and East Tecolote Canyon

Type: report

Article abstract: Riparian bird surveys were conducted in the southern and eastern portions of Tecolote Canyon in order to determine presence or absence of sensitive riparian species, focusing primarily on detection of least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus).The purpose of the riparian bird surveys was 1) to determine the current status of least Bell's vireo where the bird had been documented previously, and 2) to expand the survey area to East Tecolote Canyon where additional potentially suitable habitat occurs. The results from the surveys will provide updated information on the status of sensitive riparian bird species within the southern and eastern portions of Tecolote Canyon to guide management as detailed in the Draft Natural Resources Management Plan for Tecolote Canyon Natural Park.

Number of pages: 9

Authors: City of San Diego, Park and Recreation Department;

Month: July

Year: 2015

Prepared for: City of San Diego, Park and Recreation Department;

Prepared by: City of San Diego, Park and Recreation Department;