Type: report
Article abstract: This annual work plan has been developed from the guidelines for goals and objectives set forth in the Habitat Management Plan for the Rancho La Costa Habitat Conservation Area (Plan) dated May 2005 (CNLM 2005). The Plan includes management requirements agreed to by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and additional management activities that the Center for Natural Lands Management (Center or CNLM) has determined are appropriate to protect and maintain the natural resources in perpetuity. The Center holds fee title and conservation easements (CE) to the Rancho La Costa Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) and performs or oversees the tasks identified in the Plan.
Number of pages: 27
Authors: Vinje, Jessie;
Year: 2010
Publisher: McMillan Biological Consulting
Purpose: This annual work plan has been developed from the guidelines for goals and objectives set forth in the Habitat Management Plan for the Rancho La Costa Habitat Conservation Area (Plan) dated May 2005 (CNLM 2005).
Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; California Department of Fish and Wildlife; City of Carlsbad;
Prepared by: Center for Natural Lands Management;
Keywords: biological surveys; capital improvements; CNLM; Habitat Conservation Area; HCA; management; public service; Rancho La Costa; restoration; San Diego County;