Type: fact sheet
Article abstract: The Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) planning team drafted the following goals for the San Diego NWR based on: 1) the interim refuge goals presented in the Final Land Protection Plans for the Otay-Sweetwater Unit and the Vernal Pools Stewardship Project; 2) input provided during the scoping process for the CCP and subsequent agency and stakeholder meetings and workshops; and 3) internal Fish and Wildlife Service review. Goal 1 - Protect and manage federally endangered and threatened species and the habitats that support such species. Goal 2 - Protect, manage, and restore the biological diversity of southwestern San Diego County and the habitats that support this diversity, for its inherent value and to reduce the likelihood that listing of additional species will be required in the future. Goal 3 - Create partnerships and provide leadership in coordinating land management activities in support of the Multiple Species Conservation Program. Goal 4 - Provide safe and high quality opportunities for compatible wildlife-dependent recreational uses that foster public appreciation of the unique natural heritage of the San Diego region.
Number of pages: 1
Purpose: Refuge goas for the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge
Keywords: CCP; Comprehensive Conservation Plan; National Wildlife Refuge; NWR; San Diego;