Type: report
Article abstract: We conducted a bat species inventory of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) area in San Diego County, California. The study began in the early summer of 2002 and terminated in the winter of 2003. We used a variety of bat survey techniques including ultrasonic bat detectors, mist-nets, hand-nets, unaided ears (audible), and spotlights to document both foraging and roosting bats within and immediately adjacent to the Multi-Habitat Preserve area. We conducted a total of 80 surveys at 27 foraging bat sites and 28 surveys of 18 potential bat roosting sites. We detected 16 bat species including five species of local concern at various sites within the study area during both foraging and roosting bat surveys. Other information provided by this study includes demographics, reproductive states, and injuries of captured bats, seasonal activity and richness patterns of bats in the study area, watershed associations of bats in the study area, and detection success of the various bat survey techniques used. We present specific recommendations for bat management and long-term monitoring strategies.
Number of pages: 104
Authors: Stokes, Drew; Brehme, Cheryl; Hathaway, Stacie; Fisher, Robert N.;
Year: 2005
Purpose: A bat species inventory of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) area in San Diego County, presents specific recommendations for bat management and long-term monitoring strategies.
Prepared for: County of San Diego; California Department of Fish and Wildlife;
Prepared by: U.S. Geological Survey;
Keywords: bats; California leaf-nosed bat; County of San Diego; Jurisdictions management and monitoring reports; Lasiurus blossevillii; Macrotus californicus; MSCP; multi-habitat preserve; San Diego County; species of concern; surveys; Townsend's big-eared bat; western red bat;