Type: report
Article abstract: APPENDIX A?Biological Survey Report for the Santa Maria Creek Restoration Project: Stephens? kangaroo rat (Spencer and Montgomery 2007) APPENDIX B?Wintering Raptors of the Cagney Ranch and Surrounding Ramona Grasslands (2003-2006) (Wildlife Research Institute 2007) APPENDIX C?Biological Survey Report for the Ramona Grasslands Preserve (RECON 2005) APPENDIX D?Biological Survey Report for the Santa Maria Creek Restoration Project: riparian birds (Lovio 2007) APPENDIX E?Biological Survey/Monitoring Report for the Santa Maria Creek Restoration Project: arroyo toads (Hollingsworth et al. 2006) APPENDIX F?Invasive Weed Report for the Santa Maria Creek Restoration Project: grassland and riparian invasive weed control efforts and results (Kelly & Associates 2007)
Number of pages: 188
Year: 2007
Purpose: As part of proposition 13 grant project, a variety of field surveys and monitoring was implemented to characterize baseline conditions of the Preserve to inform future management and monitoring efforts.
Prepared for: County of San Diego;
Prepared by: Conservation Biology Institute;
Keywords: baseline; County of San Diego; grasslands; Jurisdictions Management and Monitoring reports; management; monitoring; Ramona; San Diego County;