Who let the turtles out?

Type: other

Article abstract: Rapid urbanization has led to the loss and degradation of riparian habitats in Southern California. In response to the need to protect and manage habitat for native species in the South Coast Eco-Region of Southern California, the Natural Communities Conservation Planning Program (NCCP) was initiated in 1991 as a way for California Department of Fish and Game and US Fish and Wildlife Service to jointly implement habitat conservation plans (HCP). The western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata) is a covered species in the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program subarea (MSCP). However, the current status and distribution of the western pond turtle within the MSCP is poorly known. The western pond turtle is the only turtle native to southwestern California and was historically abundant in most major drainages in San Diego. Surveys conducted in Southern California in the late 1980's suggested that pond turtles no longer occurred in many locations from which they were known historically and that few viable populations of turtles remained. The United States Geological Survey began conducting surveys for western pond turtles in the San Diego MSCP in 2002. During these surveys, non-native turtles were detected at many more locations than were western pond turtles. Western pond turtles co-occur with non-native turtles at least one of these locations. Surveys will continue during spring and summer 2003.

Number of pages: 1

Authors: Fisher, Robert N.; Madden-Smith, Melanie; Meyer, Kathie;

Year: 2003

Notes: Poster

Prepared by: U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center;

Keywords: HCP; MSCP; NCCP; southwestern pond turtle; urbanization;

Species: Southwestern pond turtle