Type: report
Article abstract: A trapping program was implemented along the upper San Luis Rey River (uslr) and Pamo Valley (pv) in,San Diego County, California, to protect nesting southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus, flycatcher, swfl), least Bell's vireo ( Vireo bellii pusillus, vireo, lbvi), and their riparian cohabitants from brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Four traps were operated in each location (8 total) from 1 April to 30 June 2003. We removed 207 cowbirds (54 males, 38 females, and 0 juveniles at uslr; 61 males, 48 females, and 6 juveniles at pv). In addition, 330 individuals of 8 non-target species were captured (79 at uslr, 251 at pv), of which all but 6 (l.8%) were released unharmed. Topical protection from cowbird parasitism allows targeted populations of host species to increase annual productivity and to grow between years, but does not affect the regional cowbird population (Griffith and Griffith 2000).
Number of pages: 33
Authors: Griffith Wildlife Biology;
Day: 28
Month: August
Year: 2003
Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Fish & Wildlife Office;
Prepared by: Griffith Wildlife Biology;
Keywords: brood parasitism; brown-headed cowbird; least Bell's Vireo; Pamo Valley; riparian; San Diego County; San Luis Rey River; southwestern willow flycatcher;
Species: Brown-headed Cowbird