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report 2020
Final Report: Wright's Field MSCP Preserve - Threat Reduction Grant
This grant project by Back Country Land Trust (BCLT) focused on long-term planning for resource protec>on and management at Wright’s Field MSCP Preserve in Alpine. Work within the scope of this grant included fuel reduc>on for wildfire preven>on, trail closures and reroutes to separate recrea>onal ameni>es from biological and cultural resources, and installa>on of new fencing and signage to protect the most sensi>ve resources on the preserve from detrimental impacts. With funding from SANDAG, BCLT was able to con>nue working with local agencies and emergency responders to plan for long-term impacts and opportuni>es at Wright’s Field. Community volunteers, local businesses, and partners from other NGOs all par>cipated in implemen>ng this project with BCLT coordina>ng and providing leadership for community-based stewardship efforts at Wright’s Field over two years.

report 2020
Wright’s Field Preserve Final Recreation Strategic Plan San Diego County, California
Wright's Field Preserve (Preserve) is located within the unincorporated community of Alpine in the southeast portion of San Diego County. The Preserve is owned and managed by the Back Country Land Trust (BCLT). The Preserve is part of the County of San Diego's (County) Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) as well as the State of California's Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP). This Recreation Strategic Plan (RSP) provides recommendations for the Preserve's access points, trail preservation, trail closures, and trail creation within the Preserve. The RSP provides an examination of opportunities and constraints relevant to existing and potential uses, considers adjacent conditions and proposed trails that affect public access within the Preserve, evaluates alternatives for improvements to the trail network, and outlines recommendations based on the Preserve's planning complex.