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report 2006
San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge Sweetwater Marsh and South San Diego Bay Units Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement Summary, August 2006
The San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge protects a rich diversity of endangered, threatened, migratory, and native species and their habitats in the midst of a highly urbanized coastal environment. Nesting, foraging, and resting sites are managed for a diverse assembly of birds. Waterfowl and shorebirds over-winter or stop here to feed and rest as they migrate along the Pacific Flyway. Undisturbed expanses of cordgrass dominated salt marsh support sustainable populations of light-footed clapper rail. Enhanced and restored wetlands provide new, high quality habitat for fish, birds, and coastal salt marsh plants, such as the endangered salt marsh bird?s beak. Quiet nesting areas, buffered from adjacent urbanization, ensure the reproductive success of the threatened western snowy plover, endangered California least tern, and an array of ground nesting seabirds and shorebirds. The San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge also provides the public with the opportunity to observe birds and wildlife in their native habitats and to enjoy and connect with the natural environment. Informative environmental education and interpretation programs expand the public?s awareness of the richness of the wildlife resources of the Refuge. The Refuge serves as a haven for wildlife and the public to be treasured by this and future generations.