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report 2010
Encinas Creek Habitat Conservation Area (Formerly known as the North County Habitat Bank) Annual Work Plan October 2010 - September 2011
Introduction This annual work plan has been developed from the guidelines for goals and objectives set forth in the North County Habitat Bank Long-Term Management Plan (HMP) (Helix 2007) The HMP includes management requirements set forth by the City of Carlsbad (City), the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). CNLM holds title to the North County Habitat Bank Habitat Conservation Area (HCA or Preserve), and has changed its name to Encinas Creek Habitat Conservation Area. The Preserve is located about ½ mile east of Interstate 5 along the south side Palomar Airport Road, east of Costco and west of Hidden Valley Road. CNLM has managed the HCA since May of 2007 at which time we received the entire endowment to fund the long-term management of the HCA. The HCA is currently being used by Westmark Development Corporation (Westmark) as a wetlands mitigation bank. Westmark is the Bank Owner and handles all credit sales and accounting. Westmark restored several acres of disturbed wetland pursuant to a restoration plan (Helix 2007b) and received regulatory signoff for final success criteria in December of 2007 (ACOE, 2007). The purpose of this work plan is to identify the tasks and budget required to complete the management activities for the upcoming fiscal year that will begin on October 1, 2010 and end on September 30, 2011. Unless otherwise stated, all tasks will be performed by CNLM's Preserve Manager Patrick McConnell and Ranger, Justin Trujillo. Summary of Tasks and Goals for the Fiscal Year: - Install signs as necessary - Monitor large and medium sized mammal use of the site using wildlife cameras - Note all animal species observed and map locations of any sensitive species - Remove nonnative plant species - Conduct brown-headed cowbird trapping (Molothrus ater) - Patrol and conduct site enforcement on a regular basis - Conduct surveys for least Bell's vireo and coastal California gnatcatcher - Report and describe data collected and management actions taken on the Preserves to the wildlife agencies - Install and mend fencing as necessary Appendix 1 (Task Schedule) identifies the approximate schedule of field work throughout the fiscal year and Appendix 2 depicts the location of the Preserve.

report 2006
North County Habitat Bank Habitat Management Plad
INTRODUCTION This Habitat Management Plan (HMP) has been prepared for the proposed North County Habitat Bank (NCHB) in accordance with the Implementing Agreement for the NCHB. The HMP is intended to provide the framework for long-term management of the bank property consistent with the goals of the bank as approved by the U .S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). The NCHB Area consists of an approximately 18.73-acre site, and is located in the City of Carlsbad in northwestern San Diego County, California south of Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road (Figures 1 and 2). Commercial development occurs to the west, Palomar Airport Road forms the northern boundary, and undeveloped /open space occurs to the southwest, south, and immediately east. Encinas Creek bisects the property, with the southeastern corner of the site sloping up from the creek. The NCHB is located within the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan (Carlsbad HMP; 1999), which addresses potential impacts to native species and habitats (and some non-native habitats) while at the same time providing mitigation options that satisfy the federal and state Endangered Species Acts (ESAs). The primacy objective of the Carlsbad HMP is to allow development while identifying and maintaining an open space area system that allows for the sustained existence of animals and plants at both the local and regional levels. The Carlsbad HMP preserve is a network of large habitat blocks with interconnecting linkages. In the context of the Carlsbad HMP, the NCHB project site is located within Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) 5. Existing hardline conservation areas occur immediately south of the site. This HMP is intended to meet management objectives of the Carlsbad HMP. The open space designation is intended to provide permanent protection for sensmve biological resources. The proposed open space area will be compatible with open space in adjacent areas, thereby providing a substantial contribution to subregional and regional open space systems outlined in the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP) Subregional Plan (San Diego Association of Governments 2003) as well as the Carlsbad HMP (1999). All open space areas (i.e., approximately 15.7 acres) will be conveyed to the City of Carlsbad and managed by a Habitat Manager approved by the City, Corps, CDFG, and Service. In this way, all

report 2012
Six modified Australian crow traps were used to trap brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) at the Morro Hills, Rancho del Oro, Buena Vista Creek, and Encinas Creek Preserves in2012 for the Center for Natural Lands Management. Traps were operational between April 1 and June 5. During this time traps were monitored and maintained and all non-target species and excess cowbirds were removed on a daily basis. A total of 71 brown-headed cowbirds, including 45 males, 25 females and one juvenile was captured during the trapping period. The overall trapping rate of 0.18 cowbirds per trap day is similar to other programs in southern California. A total of 205 non-target birds from five different species was also captured. No non-target birds died or were preyed upon in the traps during the 2012 trapping season. No threatened or endangered species were capttued.