TWS Burrowing Owl Workshop

The goal of this one-day workshop is to provide an introduction to BUOW Biology, Survey Techniques, Management/Conservation, and Mitigation. This will be given at an introductory level this year, which will be followed up next year with a more advanced workshop, emphasizing research and legal aspects. The audience is expected to be primarily early-to-mid career biologists and wildlife managers from the public and private sectors in Southern California. It is our expectation that the participants will leave this workshop with a better understanding of the biology and management of BUOWs and this will be applicable to their respective jobs/roles. TWS Continuing Education credit is being explored. The number of participants will be limited (approx. 25 max.) so keep tabs on this event and register as soon as registration opens.

For more information, contact Jeff Lincer at or (619) 668-0032.

To register online, click here.

Event Dates

Starts: March 03, 2016 9:00am

Ends: March 03, 2016 16:00pm